Television WANDAVISION Discussion (Dragonlord's Review)

If you have seen the whole season of WANDAVISION, how would you rate it?

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I'm beginning to grow tired of Disney uncontrollably jizzing superheroes across all entertainment outlets. Not every character needs their own movie or TV series.
Loki, Scarlet Witch and Other MCU Characters to Get Their Own TV Shows on Disney Streaming Service

It's all in time for Disney. And although i dislike the oversaturation of superhero TV series ATM (i watch only the Netflix ones when they come out), i admire this from a business point of view. They can't have their streaming service without some heavy hitters. Having star wars rebels and half of the last MCU phase 1 movies is just not going to cut it.

While I would much rather have a GotG TV series, having a separate (lets call it) mission each episode (at least an hour long), with a common theme throughout the season, I understand it would be a logistics PITA to arrange the schedules of all these actors. Loki (I presume either prequels or set between the Thor and Avengers movie) will be most likely heaps of fun. Scarlett Witch i have no interest in. But i'm gonna give the benefit of the doubt to it, and watch the pilot.

Also, this could be the road to a Deadpool and Cable TV series if the Fox deal fully materializes (to hell with those pesky anti-trust laws). Fingers crossed.

The more i think about it, the more i believe this will be the first streaming service i will get. Not a lot of options here in Croatia, but Netflix, as the biggest one, charges too much for what it offers. Now, under one roof, you'll (eventually) have:
1. MCU and Fox live action movies,
2. all Star Wars live action and animated movies,
3. All Pixar animated movies (and presumably, new shorts every now and then), Disney animated movies (old and new) as well as Fox animated movies,
5. new MCU TV series (the biggest thing coming from the mouse is the cancellation of new seasons of existing Marvel series on Netflix and eventual switch to their own streaming service) as well as Star Wars TV series,
6. Movie franchise juggernauts such as Alien, Indiana Jones, Kingsman (i know @Dragonlordxxxxx is happy with this one ;)), Pirates of the Caribbean, Avatar, Die Hard, Planet of the Apes etc.
7. TV series franchise behemoths such as Simpsons, Family guy and Modern Family, as well as other ones, such as Legion, 24, Prison Break etc.

If taking just 2 of any of these categories, putting it on a relatively user friendly interface (Netflix being the standard here), it is totally worth $10-15 (which is how much it will probably be here).

Screw it, I'm in. Make it happen, mighty mouse!

I’m gonna assume these are prequels not starting Tom Hiddlestone. Far as I’m concerned, the whole deal is worth it for the snake scene
“‘Bleh! It’s me!’ And then he stabbed me.”

C'mon man.

The actors who portrayed these heroes and villains in the Avengers films and their spin-offs, such as Tom Hiddleston and Elizabeth Olsen, are expected to play them in the streaming shows.

It's right there, second sentence of the third paragraph.
Loki, Scarlet Witch and Other MCU Characters to Get Their Own TV Shows on Disney Streaming Service

Disney is enlisting Earth’s Mightiest Heroes as the company prepares to launch its upcoming streaming service. The entertainment giant is in early development on an ambitious plan for a number of limited series centered on popular characters from the MarvelCinematic Universe. These series will likely include shows centered on Loki and the Scarlet Witch, along with other beloved superheroes who have yet to appear in their own standalone movies.

Marvel and Disney had no comment.

There’s an important distinction from other Marvel small screen efforts, however. The actors who portrayed these heroes and villains in the Avengers films and their spin-offs, such as Tom Hiddleston and Elizabeth Olsen, are expected to play them in the streaming shows. Moreover, though sources close to the production are staying mum on the cost of the programming, the budgets are expected to be hefty rivaling those of a major studio productions. Each series is expected to include six to eight episodes. Marvel Studios will produce the shows and Kevin Feige, the guru of all things MCU, is expected to take a hands-on role in their development.

The pricey gamble with one of the crown jewels of the Disney film empire is a sign of how much the company has riding on its direct-to-consumer platform. As companies such as Netflix and Amazon continue to grow their user base, Disney is trying to find a way to establish a toehold in the streaming revolution upending Hollywood. The company has kept the details of the service close to the vest, beyond saying that it will likely cost less than Netflix and will launch at some point in late 2019.

Disney has already started to unwind its licensing deals in order to put as much premium content on the platform as possible. That’s meant that the company is forfeiting billions of dollars in profit, as well as shouldering the cost of developing the technology. The company has announced a number of high-profile projects, including a Star Wars series overseen by “Jungle Book” director Jon Favreau, a show based on “High School Musical,” and a live-action “Lady and the Tramp” film. The company also plans to offer several new releases when it launches, including its live-action “Dumbo” film and “Captain Marvel.”

Many of these projects are expensive bets. The Star Wars series will reportedly cost $100 million and the movies are expected to carry budgets north of $25 million. However, Disney has to spend big to make an impression. Netflix, its main rival, has 125 million subscribers globally and has lured top talent like Ryan Murphy (“American Horror Story”), Kenya Barris (“Black-ish”), and Shonda Rhimes (“Grey’s Anatomy”) to its platform with record-setting deals.

The Marvel series are in early development and writers have yet to be attached to the projects. Marvel TV Studios and Disney have been active with shows that include ABC’s “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” and Netflix’s “Daredevil,” but sources say those shows will stay under Marvel TV banner with these limited series set under Marvel Studios.

Storylines for each series are still being teased out, but Disney appears to be holding back some significant fire power for the big screen. Insiders stress the Avengers that have gotten their own movies like Iron Man and Captain America will not be featured in the series with the studios focusing on characters who have served as second tier characters in the MCU.

When all is said and done, the Avengers shows could be the streaming service’s most ambitious project both in terms of their scope and budget. Most important, it gives the service something that will attract comic book fans and represents the type of content Netflix would love to get its hands on.


Potentially very cool. But I remain to be convinced characters like Loki can work on the smaller scale of a TV show.
How about an alternate star wars series with Mark Hamill as Luke and no Rian Johnson in sight.

Just give me a prequel on Palpatine's training and rise to power, and you can name your price<Goldie11>
Imho disney should commission some low budget sitcoms/family shows to even things out.
This is pretty big getting the actual actors from the movies to star. Surprised to hear that their service will be cheaper than Netflix. With Disney's already vast portfolio (Disney, Marvel, Fox, Star Wars, ABC, etc.) I have a hard time seeing them not completely taking over. Was already going to check out their service, this just makes it more appealing. I'm with @JonesBones, Netflix looking like they're about to get their shit pushed in once the Mouse enters the ring.

The House of Mouse is going Full Hydra,

"Tomorrow...Disney will stand master of the world! Hail Walt!":D
I'm beginning to grow tired of Disney uncontrollably jizzing superheroes across all entertainment outlets. Not every character needs their own movie or TV series.

If only there was a way for you to avoid watching them.
bbut... Loki died. Not by the snap either. like he died a real death & everyone saw it.

I guess they're going to reverse all the events of the first movie? Makes sense since we got another Guardians coming out & so we can get Gamora back.
bbut... Loki died. Not by the snap either. like he died a real death & everyone saw it.

I guess they're going to reverse all the events of the first movie? Makes sense since we got another Guardians coming out & so we can get Gamora back.

Everyone saw the God of Trickery and Deception die.

Motherfucker MUST be dead.
I don't know how I feel about this honestly
I don't know how I feel about this honestly

You'll love it, eventually. At first, you'll try to resist it, but after some time, you'll see that all the cool kids are doing it, succumb to peer pressure and get that free first month in. Then you'll cancel it, but grow tired of regular TV content (or get hyped when that Star Wars TV series comes in) in 2 weeks and come back crawling.
You'll love it, eventually. At first, you'll try to resist it, but after some time, you'll see that all the cool kids are doing it, succumb to peer pressure and get that free first month in. Then you'll cancel it, but grow tired of regular TV content (or get hyped when that Star Wars TV series comes in) in 2 weeks and come back crawling.

I don't know how people have time to watch all these shows

I love the movies but haven't watched any of the shows

And now they're talking about removing character from films and putting them in more shows to watch?

Seriously how do people have time for this

What the fuck is Loki going to do without Thor and other familiar characters to play off? I'm not interested in Loki's pointless random adventures that are pointless. And I never cared much for Scarlet Witch in the movie or her creepy robot romance. The only real dip in the Infinity Wars movie was when it to cut to them in a hotel.
I can't see Disney's Marvel branded stuff being that appealing, to me anyway. You'll never see anything like Punisher or even Daredevil on there.

Plus there's the "yet another recurring monthly charge" aspect.
They should purchase the rights to The Expanse if they really want to plung the knife into my heart

RIP Star Wars. RIP Marvel.
I don't know how people have time to watch all these shows

I love the movies but haven't watched any of the shows
And now they're talking about removing character from films and putting them in more shows to watch?

Seriously how do people have time for this
Agreed on the sheer number of TV series. After the initial enthusiasm, I absolutely stopped watching all the shows i did watch (Arrow, Flash, Lucifer, Preacher, Legion), and didn't even bother to watch Gotham, Supergirl, Agents of SHIELD, Inhumans, Legends of tomorrow, and all the other "smaller" ones. With a regular job and 2 kids, i can't bring myself to take out at least one hour every day just to keep track of those. I really don't know who does, unless it's their actual job. I do however, binge watch the Netflix Marvel editions, usually when i'm on a 2-3 day trip, and know i'll have time on the airport/plane.

What the fuck is Loki going to do without Thor and other familiar characters to play off? I'm not interested in Loki's pointless random adventures that are pointless. And I never cared much for Scarlet Witch in the movie or her creepy robot romance. The only real dip in the Infinity Wars movie was when it to cut to them in a hotel.

IMO there's plenty of material to dive into on Loki, even without Thor. Loki is a great character, has some interesting storylines that can be tied up to MCU, and can be seriously developed with a TV series format. True Detective, Fargo, BCS, BB, House of cards all come to mind as great examples of serious actors using the TV series format as a prolonged way of developing their characters. Good actors go where the good writing is, and right now, TV has some exceptional writing, while movies' writing is falling behind rapidly. I look forward to seeing what can be done there. Hope the budget issues that come with comic book character TV series don't plague them.
I might have to go full Batman vs the mouse. Tell me Mickey, do you bleed?
