The shadow of Jon Jones looms large over the LHW division


Master of Science in Shookology
Oct 15, 2016
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Cleared the entire division out and reigned over it with an iron fist. Jon Jones haters looking for the next Jon Jones but he is no where to be found. Haters will never appreciate what this man did for the sport. GOAT.

Cleared the entire division out and reigned over it with an iron fist. Jon Jones haters looking for the next Jon Jones but he is no where to be found. Haters will never appreciate what this man did for the sport. GOAT.

You watched an amazing fight between two clean athletes, and your first thought goes to one of the biggest cheats in MMA? I mean I agree with you in one sense he is truly the drug cheat GOAT.
Look at jon 1st title fight vs jiris recency bias is crazy
What you're saying is you expect Jiri to pop for being a drug cheat and need the USADA to be paid off by the UFC to allow him to fail tests repeatedly yet continue to fight?
Prove he was cheating for all those fights. You can't. GOAT.

Go on, dance for us little monkey.
Once you've been caught cheating multiple times surely the burden of proof would be on you/him to prove he wasn't. Once a cheat always a cheat is a saying for a reason. You think he's still pulsing now, or has he cycled off his latest batch?
I don't really think so. Unfortunately, Jon had a questionable win over Reyes before he left and we can never really know if was truly clean for these bouts after all the shenanigans.

Jones doesn't really factor into much nowadays outside of mistakes in the real world and online with the Twitter machine. You're entitled to your opinion though.
As does his endless PICO shadow, in which you can never predict if he will actually make it to a fight without endlessly shady shit taking place.
Cleared the entire division out and reigned over it with an iron fist. Jon Jones haters looking for the next Jon Jones but he is no where to be found. Haters will never appreciate what this man did for the sport. GOAT.


juice Jones was the lebron of mma. Post usada jones has been underwhelming. And since he’s been inactive, he’s pretty much irrelevant. May as well be retired.