Social Terrence Howard is Legitimately Insane ?

I have a very vivid memory of myself walking around a busy festival on my own. What's weird about it was I was still one year old when that festival took place. I also had full knowledge of the Gulliver themed festival and knew the whole story by heart. Everyone always tell me I couldn't possibly remember it but I do and the photos I see today are identical to what I remember.
I like to pretend it’s like the movie Contact.

They are here and have begun communication. They have chose to appear in human form to help make it easier.

They are telling us the secrets we wish to learn. But we are human and we will demonize them for it..

Seriously though, Howard is out there but I do like how he knows that everyone will question him and that is why he is calling out known scientists/physicists to run experiments and prove him right.
I like to pretend it’s like the movie Contact.

They are here and have begun communication. They have chose to appear in human form to help make it easier.

They are telling us the secrets we wish to learn. But we are human and we will demonize them for it..

Seriously though, Howard is out there but I do like how he knows that everyone will question him and that is why he is calling out known scientists/physicists to run experiments and prove him right.

Wait, what? They will prove him right? 1×1 is 2? Damn that's gotta be one hell of a an experiment to show that.
Wait, what? They will prove him right? 1×1 is 2? Damn that's gotta be one hell of a an experiment to show that.
Haha I don’t think they will prove him right, but that is what the man is asking them to do..

He’s not dumb,
he knows the people will only listen to him, not believe him. That is why he is calling out those with the credentials, those the people take seriously and listen too. He has laid down his challenge and is asking those of high regard to prove him right or wrong.

I’m actually intrigued to see if anyone bites to discuss the many other theories, not just the 1x1 is 2 (one must think like Vegan).
I'll always know him as Space Man from Sunset Park. He went full space man mode on JRE. Although I'll give him credit he was saying some potentially smart sounding stuff. Seems like they should have done Katt williams and Terrence Howard at the same time. Could have had a battle of who's more genius lol. Not sure why they both seemed a little up tight like they couldn't overly chill and shoot the shit with Joe
Insane as compared to who? It's funny that he ties his "Iron Man" dismissal to RDJ not standing up for him...another maniac who once got so wasted that he was found sleeping in an eight year-old's bed.

I figure he just pissed off the wrong people. I'm pretty sure they're all crazy, with the only buffer being if you're worth protecting. Shit, Bryan Singer is nowhere to be found, despite him being one of the most famous directors of the last few decades, with many accusations of diddling little boys. He must be one of the cult's deacons...
Sounds like schizophrenia to me.

Specifically the "I've got it all figured out because I'm a genius and everybody else is wrong" sort of thinking.

The jumping from subject to subject as though each new idea is so exciting that it deserves to be followed like a trail of candy is common with the "manic" aspect of bipolar disorder.

He also may be very high IQ and just not particularly well educated. That would account for him being really excited by ideas like physics, chemistry, but without taking the time to study and understand these things he comes off as rambling (because he is)

This man needs help, not ridicule.
@lsa is a huge fan of Terrence Howard, huge.
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He's completely insane. I remember him years ago talking about spending 17 hours a day with his girlfriend doing math. He thinks 1 x 1 = 2. They'd be making all these displays to prove it.

Someone needs to go up to this math genius and say, "Terrence, I'm holding 1 finger from 1 of my hands up. How many fingers am I holding up?!?!"
Cliffs or gtfo
I dunno what he was babbling about with Rogaine, but this was a few years ago:

Terrence Howard has revealed his bizarre take on the world, and at the centre of it is the summation that one times one does not equal one, but two.

In a wide-ranging interview with Rolling Stone magazine, the Empire actor revealed he has spent years working on his own logic which he has recorded in a language of symbols called Terryology, which will not be shared with the wider world until his work is patented.

Howard believes his discovery will significantly change the way that mathematics is taught for generations to come, and that if Pythagoras were around to see this discovery "he would lose his mind”.

"I was always wondering, you know, why does a bubble take the shape of a ball? Why not a triangle or a square? I figured it out. If Pythagoras was here to see it, he would lose his mind. Einstein, too! Tesla!," he told Rolling Stone.

"This is the last century that our children will have to be taught that one times one is one," he added.

....his success has not stopped the actor from claiming he spends up to 17 hours a day creating nameless plastic structures, which are made of cut up pieces of plastic and either stitched together with copper wire or soldered, that he believes prove his new form of mathematics.

Howard studied chemical engineering at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn until he fell out with one of his professors over the answer to the 1x1=1 conundrum.

"How can it equal one? If one times one equals one that means that two is of no value because one times itself has no effect. One times one equals two because the square root of four is two, so what's the square root of two? Should be one, but we're told its two, and that cannot be."
Sounds like schizophrenia to me.

Specifically the "I've got it all figured out because I'm a genius and everybody else is wrong" sort of thinking.

The jumping from subject to subject as though each new idea is so exciting that it deserves to be followed like a trail of candy is common with the "manic" aspect of bipolar disorder.

He also may be very high IQ and just not particularly well educated. That would account for him being really excited by ideas like physics, chemistry, but without taking the time to study and understand these things he comes off as rambling (because he is)

This man needs help, not ridicule.
Does sound like some kind of mania, like a smarter version of Sheen in his "tiger blood" phase.

Manic depression/bipolar disorder perhaps? thats been a bit devalued by everyone under the sun claiming a mild case of it but a really serious one is potentially more of an issue.
Haha I don’t think they will prove him right, but that is what the man is asking them to do..

He’s not dumb,
he knows the people will only listen to him, not believe him. That is why he is calling out those with the credentials, those the people take seriously and listen too. He has laid down his challenge and is asking those of high regard to prove him right or wrong.

I’m actually intrigued to see if anyone bites to discuss the many other theories, not just the 1x1 is 2 (one must think like Vegan).

BITCH I am vegan and I know 1x1=1, the fuck you talkin shit for?! God damn retard.