TERMINATOR: DARK FATE (Dragonlord's Review, post #1)

If you have seen TERMINATOR: DARK FATE, how would you rate it?

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Studios don't receive the box office total, they only get a percentage. The actual percentage depends on the country and theater chain. But the general rule of thumb is they get 50% of the domestic and 20% of the international. So, if you assume a revenue breakdown of domestic 40% and international 60%, then the studio only gets a third of the box office total. This means you need to triple a movie's budget to find it's approximate break-even point. It's not a foolproof method (there are just so many moving parts to something like this, and the details are almost never publicly disclosed) but it gives you a decent idea of what's going on.

I don't know why they'd put so much into it especially since this series hasn't been a real blockbuster since T2.

Salvation had a $200million budget and couldn't break $400million at the box office with Christian Bale coming off Dark Knight.
Fans - "Please make a Terminator 3! Its guaranteed to be awesome!"

Terminator 3 - "Hold my beer."

Fans - "Aug, a terminator film taking place after Judgement Day? Well, it can't possibly be worse than Terminator 3."

Terminator Salvation - "Hold my beer."

Fans - "Fuck! That was fucking horrible. Can you start over and reboot the series? Its guaranteed to be better than...."

Terminator Genysis - "Hold my beer."

Fans - "Oh my fucking god. Can't you just go back and make the Terminator 3 we always wanted, with John, Sarah, and maybe find a way to give Arnold a cameo? That's guaranteed to be better...."

Terminator Dark Fate - *Shits all over your face.*

I legit nearly choked on my food while reading this. LOL!
I'm just piling on at this point but I'm glad this bombed. Hollywood needs to take notice that killing off or shitting all over beloved characters is just going to piss off the audience that made your franchise relevant in the 1st Place (John Connor, Luke Skywalker). Funny enough Always Sunny did an episode earlier this season that seemed to almost spoof this type of crap. Thundergun played by Dolph Lundgren has a new movie that goes PG-13, he finds out he has a kid and wants to commit, and is replaced by his son to take the franchise in a new direction. Instead of his usual fucking up shit, plowing, and hanging dong.

You can't just unceremoniously kill John Connor when he's the lynchpin of the 1st 2 movies (you know the only movies in this franchise that were actually worth a damn). Should have just started making movies about the war with the machines in the future, instead of this endless send back another Terminator crap.
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You can't just unceremoniously kill John Connor when he's the lynchpin of the 1st 2 movies (you know the only movies in this franchise that were actually worth a damn). Should have just started making movies about the war with the machines in the future, instead of this endless send back another Terminator crap.

Well to be fair, writing an original screenplay with its own story beats really is a lot of work.
Yeah, it's just a credit to him that he can keep doing it, even in movies that suck dog penis, and still make me feel something about it half the time.
Arnold is criminally under rated actor. I wouldnt put him in like the godfather or something like that but what he does hea awesome.
I'm pretty sure even James Cameron doesn't have any more story ideas for Terminator

T2 was the end of his vision "There is no fate but what we make"

Plus the deleted scene with John as a senator

Pretty clear that the franchise is spinning on wheels right now
I really wish that Terminator Salvation was a better film

If it was it would make a trilogy of Salvation - T1 - T2 much more satisfying

If Salvation was just solely a prequel to T1 and not a continuation of T3 it would have been much better imo

Oh well
I really wish that Terminator Salvation was a better film

If it was it would make a trilogy of Salvation - T1 - T2 much more satisfying

If Salvation was just solely a prequel to T1 and not a continuation of T3 it would have been much better imo

Oh well

It's always got to be some dumb new twist or gimmick. All they had to do was tell the story of Kyle Reese. Who the fuck wanted to know about Marcus Wright? Always has to be some new Terminator power or new kind of hybrid. The lore was all there in place.

More Reese. More T-600s. More concentration camps and orderly disposal. It shouldn't have to be this difficult.

Friggin' Marcus Wright. Helena Bonham Carter. Nanoterminator John Connor. Dead child John Connor. T-Nine Billion. T-X. Rev-9. Dani Ramos. Legion. Talk to the Hand. T-850. T-Elton John. Nexus Points. Time Machines in the Sewers in the 1980s. Genisys is Skynet. Legion isn't Skynet. Bloody hell...

It's like Skynet sent back an infiltration unit to rise up in Hollywood and make sure only the shittiest ideas were turned into Terminator movies after 1991.
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This guy cracks me up.
I liked Salvation. Hated the Bonham Carter = The Architect scene, but otherwise thought it was really good.
If you're reading this, you're the resistance.

That movie had all the potential in the world. The original two scripts didn't even have John connor in it until the end, which had an amazing ending mind you. Also, some of the rest of the script was ridiculously bad, but you could see pieces of them in the theatrical release - good and bad

Bale was originally supposed to be playing Worthington's role but instead wanted to play connor so they rewrote the script on set, on the fly, with Bale and brought Connor into the entire film. Horrible idea.

Anyway, some good ideas, some decent execution but overall the movie kinda sucks.
It's a completely different color scheme

The first two Terminator movies used lots of blues

Terminator Salvation uses an orange color scheme which gives a completely different feel

There is a video that goes more in depth and I wish I could find it but I cant

McG is a fucking hack.
It's always got to be some dumb new twist or gimmick. All they had to do was tell the story of Kyle Reese. Who the fuck wanted to know about Marcus Wright? Always has to be some new Terminator power or new kind of hybrid. The lore was all there in place.

More Reese. More T-600s. More concentration camps and orderly disposal. It shouldn't have to be this difficult.

Friggin' Marcus Wright. Helena Bonham Carter. Nanoterminator John Connor. Dead child John Connor. T-Nine Billion. T-X. Rev-9. Dani Ramos. Legion. Talk to the Hand. T-850. T-Elton John. Nexus Points. Time Machines in the Sewers in the 1980s. Genisys is Skynet. Legion isn't Skynet. Bloody hell...

It's like Skynet sent back an infiltration unit to rise up in Hollywood and make sure only the shittiest ideas were turned into Terminator movies after 1991.

Other than seeing commercials during Football games I know nothing about this movie. I thought Mackenzie Davis..was Brie Larson this whole time...
Other than seeing commercials during Football games I know nothing about this movie. I thought Mackenzie Davis..was Brie Larson this whole time...

Nah Tim Miller is taking on the Brie Larson duties for promotion of this one.
I really wish that Terminator Salvation was a better film

If it was it would make a trilogy of Salvation - T1 - T2 much more satisfying

If Salvation was just solely a prequel to T1 and not a continuation of T3 it would have been much better imo

Oh well

All I wanted was this shit

Seriously a couple glimpses of the future in T-2 was better than any shit they came out with after. T-3 I didn't totally hate because it at least got the franchise to Judgment Day, but it was still repetitive with an uninspired choice for John.

Salvation they got a dogshit director and was completely bland. I was so hyped for that movie, what a dud. Dude from Avatar with zero charisma that was all the rage back then did nothing for me. They should have just put it on hold and tried the future timeline again down the road. Instead they made the last 2 garbage movies.
I found the beginning of Dark Fate on youtube. Had to satisfy my morbid curiosity. Fuck. That. Lol.

It's not even like they're making mediocre shlock, they're full on destroying franchises. It doesn't seem like it should be this difficult to make xyz sequel.