Telsa Cars are Exploding and People are Freaking Out


Silver Belt
Sep 15, 2018
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This telsa in china exploded for no reason and is making the rds on social media
Probably one of them there made in China Telsas.

Reminder that any time a Tesla so much as sneezes, it make the news. Meanwhile regular cars cause more deaths than drug overdoses and respiratory illnesses put together.
Probably a rigged Tesla so they could demonize it and force the chinese to buy their own death traps.
My money is on China gonna China. Someone took a bribe to substitute parts for a lesser quality.
Is normal.

Reminder that any time a Tesla so much as sneezes, it make the news. Meanwhile regular cars cause more deaths than drug overdoses and respiratory illnesses put together.

Indeed, Musk and his company have been under heavy fire since he's been open with his political views. Wouldn't be surprising if they resorted to staging events like Mr. Smollett.
Better to stick with gasoline, that never catches fire.
I would like @Clippy 's expert thoughts on this matter.

Reminder that any time a Tesla so much as sneezes, it make the news. Meanwhile regular cars cause more deaths than drug overdoses and respiratory illnesses put together.

So Tesla’s are the AR15 of the car world?

Reminder that any time a Tesla so much as sneezes, it make the news. Meanwhile regular cars cause more deaths than drug overdoses and respiratory illnesses put together.
Will be the same for self driving cars.

As thousands of human driven cars are in crashes with people dying and ignored by the news, any scratch caused by a self driven car will be headline news.
Will be the same for self driving cars.

As thousands of human driven cars are in crashes with people dying and ignored by the news, any scratch caused by a self driven car will be headline news.
when are those coming out?