Law Supreme Court on employer provided Birth Control - edit: Bunker Boy removes Progress

No, considering human children can experience pain consciously. A blastecyst or fetus the size of a date pit (the size at 11 weeks, the period most fetuses are aborted) are quite morally different.

Also, fetal material isn't simply chucked into some random trash can, as it typically still holds value for biomedical research.

I wasn't aware that experiencing pain was what made murder immoral. If I just shoot my children in the head while they are sleeping, they don't experience in any pain. Completely moral, right?
I wasn't aware that experiencing pain was what made murder immoral. If I just shoot my children in the head while they are sleeping, they don't experience in any pain. Completely moral, right?
Bunker Boy took the country another step towards Iraq

Everyone always knew neutral laws of general applicably would only be upheld so long as they only affected minority religions. Christians have special rights and preferential status. This means Employment v. Smith is overruled in all but name only.

No sane person can argue that a law requiring insurance carriers to cover contraceptive care has a primary purpose of inhibiting free exercise of religion as opposed to protecting women's health.

I only wish Scalia were still kicking to see him bend himself over in knots differentiating this from his opinion in Smith.