Movies Snow White and the 'men'

San Marino

Black Belt
Platinum Member
Mar 30, 2020
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So, 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs' was released by Disney in 1937 to an adult audience - not children. This is roughly 4 years before the US entered World War II. I know we all grew up with the sweet cartoon as kids, but think about it. A young beautiful woman living in a small house with seven beds and seven old men. What was Disney thinking? I read somewhere that Disney had an 'X' rated version of this film made in black-and-white and later destroyed. Some drawings are said to still exist. Is that the message you want your young daughter to have growing up. That going into a house with seven strange men is perfectly normal and safe? I doubt this film would have been released in today's Politically Correct America.

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I, for one, enjoy all of the hidden sexual allegories and phallic references in Disney movies.

Disney was just ahead of their time in my opinion. Turn those 7 dwarves into 7 big black guys, and Snow White into Piper Perri, and you'd be floggin your hog in 2 seconds flat.
I, for one, enjoy all of the hidden sexual allegories and phallic references in Disney movies.
Disney was a sexist. He did not hire many women because he felt they would get pregnant and miss work. The women he did hire got paid less than the men. After the US entered WWII and the majority of Disney's employees went off to war, he had no choice but to hire more women to work on his films. He was not the 'sweet' old man we all think he was. There was a dark side to Walt Disney:

"While Disney was an innovative and successful man, he was also the subject of many controversies, most of which involved rumors that he was anti-Semitic and racist. These rumors were, and still are, hard to dispel. In the 1930s, Disney attended meetings of a pro-Nazi organization, the German American Bund. He also hosted a known Nazi propagandist and filmmaker, Leni Riefenstahl, and gave her a tour of Disney Studios. To make matters worse, Disney was also accused of perpetuating black stereotypes in his films. The debate on Disney’s alleged discrimination and racism continues to this day."
Disney was a sexist. He did not hire many women because he felt they would get pregnant and miss work. The women he did hire got paid less than the men. After the US entered WWII and the majority of Disney's employees went off to war, he had no choice but to hire more women to work on his films. He was not the 'sweet' old man we all think he was. There was a dark side to Walt Disney:

"While Disney was an innovative and successful man, he was also the subject of many controversies, most of which involved rumors that he was anti-Semitic and racist. These rumors were, and still are, hard to dispel. In the 1930s, Disney attended meetings of a pro-Nazi organization, the German American Bund. He also hosted a known Nazi propagandist and filmmaker, Leni Riefenstahl, and gave her a tour of Disney Studios. To make matters worse, Disney was also accused of perpetuating black stereotypes in his films. The debate on Disney’s alleged discrimination and racism continues to this day."

So, you're saying Disney man bad?
Disney was a sexist. He did not hire many women because he felt they would get pregnant and miss work. The women he did hire got paid less than the men. After the US entered WWII and the majority of Disney's employees went off to war, he had no choice but to hire more women to work on his films. He was not the 'sweet' old man we all think he was. There was a dark side to Walt Disney:

"While Disney was an innovative and successful man, he was also the subject of many controversies, most of which involved rumors that he was anti-Semitic and racist. These rumors were, and still are, hard to dispel. In the 1930s, Disney attended meetings of a pro-Nazi organization, the German American Bund. He also hosted a known Nazi propagandist and filmmaker, Leni Riefenstahl, and gave her a tour of Disney Studios. To make matters worse, Disney was also accused of perpetuating black stereotypes in his films. The debate on Disney’s alleged discrimination and racism continues to this day."
Well then, it is time to cancel Disney
So, 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs' was released by Disney in 1937 to an adult audience - not children. This is roughly 4 years before the US entered World War II. I know we all grew up with the sweet cartoon as kids, but think about it. A young beautiful woman living in a small house with seven beds and seven old men. What was Disney thinking? I read somewhere that Disney had an 'X' rated version of this film made in black-and-white and later destroyed. Some drawings are said to still exist. Is that the message you want your young daughter to have growing up. That going into a house with seven strange men is perfectly normal and safe? I doubt this film would have been released in today's Politically Correct America.


It could still be released to the "woke" audience.

I don't really remember the minute details at this point. The general premise is a bit weird, but so are most kids stories.
Disney was a sexist. He did not hire many women because he felt they would get pregnant and miss work. The women he did hire got paid less than the men. After the US entered WWII and the majority of Disney's employees went off to war, he had no choice but to hire more women to work on his films. He was not the 'sweet' old man we all think he was. There was a dark side to Walt Disney:

"While Disney was an innovative and successful man, he was also the subject of many controversies, most of which involved rumors that he was anti-Semitic and racist. These rumors were, and still are, hard to dispel. In the 1930s, Disney attended meetings of a pro-Nazi organization, the German American Bund. He also hosted a known Nazi propagandist and filmmaker, Leni Riefenstahl, and gave her a tour of Disney Studios. To make matters worse, Disney was also accused of perpetuating black stereotypes in his films. The debate on Disney’s alleged discrimination and racism continues to this day."

Definitely time to cancel Ford then.

Not that supprising though as quite a lot of Nazi ideology was taken from the USA, things like negative eugenics and manifest destiny.
Snow Whites ass is to flat for me, straight up pancake ass.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves were in the bath, all feeling grumpy. So he got out.
I'm sure there's a Snow White sitting on the couch with 7 dwarves surrounding her somewhere.

Yeah, this is an unusual story to have animated, especially considering how prude the media was back then... they didn't even want Elvis gyrating his hips!

They probably compensated by putting in a ton of subliminal crap, like some young chick living in a house with 7 men.

Look at old Shirley Temple videos and you'll see how perverse everyone was.
There was a Snow White Porn done in the 90s. I believe it was German. Snow White was played by a beautiful actress and she got it from the dwarves.
Sounds like a pretty 2022 complaint. It’s not your idea either.. This has been spoken about in COMEDY forever.
I really dont think actual Disney works kept any x rated films. But there were quite a few x rated animations about Snowwhite or Red riding hood etc... I remember a red riding hood x rated animation that friends dad had in his "collection" where in one scene "the big bad wolf" hides in a log and the log has a hole on top and he sticks his dick through it and RRH sits on top.

Disney was a sexist. He did not hire many women because he felt they would get pregnant and miss work. "

Theres nothing sexist about that. If the business needs you to be available and always on point on current affaird but you might skip out for a bunch of months that is realistically a problem and needs to be addressed in contract or youre not getting hired. There are many sexist practices in business today but this isnt one.
I, for one, enjoy all of the hidden sexual allegories and phallic references in Disney movies.

Disney was just ahead of their time in my opinion. Turn those 7 dwarves into 7 big black guys, and Snow White into Piper Perri, and you'd be floggin your hog in 2 seconds flat.

Only after switching to something else.

Very unimpressed.