Sherdog Womanizers


Black Belt
Nov 20, 2015
Reaction score

How accurate is this for you?
What ethnicities are these?

Those are ethnicities of the Caucasus region.

Where khabib and other guys come from.

Never seen one of those women IRL, except Georgians and Armenians.

Armenian chick seems about right, I'd think of her as that, if I saw her on the street.

Georgian one would pass as a Russian for me unless I heard her speak.

Out of all these I like the Ingush chick the most.
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Fairly true


Usually chechens women have bit more rounder face but hate to tell due to hood covering it and them never leaving the house

Seeing ingush woman is like seeing unicorn,happens once in 100 years along with lesser known people in that pic

Only ones who would hook up with foreigner are georgian and armenian really
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Thats bullshit they dont look like that. Lezgin girl looks somewhat typical for that people, others are not very typical looking.
It's actually fckd up how good Armenian womens look compare to the mens...

(No offence to any Armenian poster, you crazy basterds)

This is true for the former soviet union in general.

Ugly guy and pretty woman combo is very common.
Thats bullshit they dont look like that. Lezgin girl looks somewhat typical for that people, others are not very typical looking.

To be fair all kavkaz women kinda look the same

Not to mention the hood makes seeing face harder

Chechen looks typical as fuck though they got round heads.