Locked PWD 1166: Arab Money

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And whatever was going on the other day that was allowing me to see tweets right here on Sherdog without having to click through to Twitter has stopped and now Im screwed again


(I'm the black guy)
I was getting my haircut yesterday and the lady asked me if I had kids. Told her I have teenage boys. She said she thought I was going to say I have 5 year olds. Good genetics plus a solid science based face routine ain't no joke, dawg!
We were talking about this last week at my cousins 50th birthday BBQ, when we were kids 50 years old looked like my grandma, today it looks like J-Lo

Times, they are a-changin'...

Remember the Married with Children when Al randomly starts wearing suits to work and caring about his appearance then he as the ephiany at the end of "why do I need to be attractive....I'm married with children."

Feels like that as the general attitude of society not too long ago and people used to get married a lot younger. So by the time they hit 40, they were practically 2 decades into not giving a damn!
I'm disappointed they haven't had a Bone Saw on a Pole match in Saudi yet.
Walked down by the city park where our minor league baseball team plays this morning and saw that theyre putting in a big fancy pants civic pride gimmick, me and Roxie finna go down there when its done and take pics doing back to back hip hop poses like Bugs and Taz

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