Multiplat Official Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II/Warzone 2 Disc **S5


Solo DMZ has been my go to "casual" game to play lately. I still play trios alot with my brother/friends on the weekend, but I also enjoy making a drink, and just looting/sniping bots for a while after work.
Grimm's Crimson bundle? Nice, brother.
The m16 burst fire really shines in hardcore shipment. One trigger pull is all you need in most cases.
Nadeshot got shadowbanned:

*Insert dog-bed saying here*
horrible horrible horrible
Occasionally I getting into a lobby with a team that plays like that.. and when the other team starts kicking our ass, I think to myself.. ahhh so this is why we are losing.
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horrible horrible horrible
Totally get this but TBF, this is a uniquely long-ass lane where marksmen can play crosshairs chicken. If that's your dedicated build and you can support from there (like if hardpoint is by the car showcase stage in-between the two map ends), I'm OK with it.
Knackers, had lots of fun on shipment but shoot house is in its place on quick play.

At least it forces me to play something else eh?
I’m still trying to unlock the final tier-2 DMZ vanity for König. Have purchased the LTV with turret but every time I drive to Ahkdar Village to initiate the frame job on the opposition, my LTV gets effectively, to say, dematerialised. Been fun though so will keep at it.

Digging the perks awarded for exfil streaks. Bomb Squad is a game-changer (AI love their nades); Scavenger too in shootouts.
2 Dev errors trying to get into shoot house. Restarted the app another Dev error. PS5.
Scump retired on Monday. Nice digs + speech amongst friends and teammates if interested:

Appary season two is delayed amid falling warzone player counts. But best selling cod ever!
Appary season two is delayed amid falling warzone player counts. But best selling cod ever!
First I'm hearing of this re: S2 delay. Thanks for update. Al Mazrah is too big, IMO.