Crime NYC “teen takeover” riot. Twitch streamer charged with inciting it. How do cities prevent this?

Hasan's claims are attacked all the time.

When not even the most notorious lying dip shit Left wing zealot can't be a "grifter" to you, what you're really saying is that no Liberal political commentator can be grifters, because you agree with everything they say. Only those evil lying right wingers can be grifters.

Cody is a notorious lying grifter? Or are you talking about Hasan?

I hate most political commentators on either side, they come at every issue from a purely partisan angle because that's how they make money. I like Cody because even though I don't agree with everything he says, he shows his work so I can make up my own mind. I don't like Hasan at all because he's super populist and the Twitch thing annoys me to death; that said he seems pretty smart and I've agreed with a lot of the things I've heard him say.

I think you guys are playing fast and loose with the word "grifter".
While I agree, I feel it is more of having two parent households regardless of sex. It takes two incomes to raise children today. It takes two parents to instill discipline. It takes respect and teaching respect, however, it takes instilling a mantra of not letting people victimize you.

My oldest is almost 13 and since entering middle school, he has had issues with bullies. We live in a great neighborhood and the schools are fantastic, but once you leave elementary school, you begin to mix with kids from all economic backgrounds. My son has been having some problems with asshole kids of asshole criminals that I arrested and put away. Mostly domestic or drug related. But the first incident, a kid walked up to him and said “your dad’s a cop” and punched him in the face. Now to my son’s credit, he laughed it off and asked if that was all he had, but he refused to fight back because we instilled discipline in him and he was afraid of getting in trouble. My wife and I disagree on what he should do. We argue about it, in fact. I tell him that he NEVER has to take an ass beating because some shitbag is attacking him. Never. My wife tells him to walk away even if he gets hit. I tell him that he needs to take care of business once he is attacked and let me deal with mom and the school.

Since all this started, he has been lifting and I have talked to a guy that I used to train with that runs an mma school. He is enrolling at the start of school and I have trained him a bit. He is really strong for his size and I think with some training, he is able to defend himself well just like I was. When I was in 7th grade, and ran into the same issues with mixing of socio-economic backgrounds and kids hating you because you came from privileged backgrounds with two parents, I was also afraid to fight back. I did, eventually, and then I was hunted by a whole swarm of a shitbag neighborhood(which I later patrolled for 6 straight years and arrested the same assholes and then their kids). I then went to private school, which has a different kind of bullies-rich kids, but it beats getting robbed by fatherless shitheads.
You're doing exactly the right thing having your son train (weights and mma) so he can take care of business. We've experienced similar.
Is this the one where the mayor weighed in and gave us the important insight that it's wrong to call this a mob?
I think you guys are playing fast and loose with the word "grifter".

Not in this instance. Most political commentators are grifters. Especially the ones on Youtube/Twitch/etc, who look through everything with a hyper partisan lens, to keep their audience happy, and keep those views/subs/donations coming in. Their job requires them to be as partisan as possible, and with that, comes bending the truth to fit their audience's political view. Objectivity could very well the death of a lot of these channels, as it would piss their audience off in a lot of cases, whether it be Hasan, Walsh, Kulinski, Rubin, etc. Their job is to report on the news in a way that pleases their hyper partisan audience. Truth be damned.
Not in this instance. Most political commentators are grifters. Especially the ones on Youtube/Twitch/etc, who look through everything with a hyper partisan lens, to keep their audience happy, and keep those views/subs/donations coming in. Their job requires them to be as partisan as possible, and with that, comes bending the truth to fit their audience's political view. Objectivity could very well the death of a lot of these channels, as it would piss their audience off in a lot of cases, whether it be Hasan, Walsh, Kulinski, Rubin, etc. Their job is to report on the news in a way that pleases their hyper partisan audience. Truth be damned.

The vast majority of people have little interest in objectivity.
I watched the video and it demonstrates one of the many reasons I hate Twitch, he's talking about events as they happen and isn't going to have the most measured takes.

I feel bad for the old guy and his Doritos.

We could always find a common ground.
I had a few cop friends that were spit on and hit with bottles in this mess. We have elected officials that encouraged behavior like this with no fear of persecution. Youth today is out of control and one reason is because they have no fear. Parents that never raised or disciplined, and a system that allows it. Cops need to be allowed to treat these as domestic threats and go in full force with fire houses and riot squads.
Ok can we all accept this guy is just trolling now?

Nope, this is who he is. We're probably a few posts away from him coming in to tell us he has black friends or Trump supporting friends so he can say whatever he wants about them or something. When he starts to look particularly bad, he comes in with the anecdotes about his identity to (attempt to) lend credibility contradictory and absurd bullshit. He's just warming up on this at this point - he'll be at this five hundred posts from now, indignantly threatening to block posters who start laughing at him. Least self-aware poster on Sherdog, and probably the most smugly self-righteous. Hell of a combo.
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Oh stfu. You right wing trumpanzees cheer when your herd off roads in national parks, proud boy mobs on trans shows, storms the capitol, take over towns in biker gatherings, drag race on county roads, and a bunch if other bs. You trumpanzees hero is indicted in multiple felonies and you claim to love being rebels and fighting against social orders but when others do it yall are the first to call for the cops and demand more laws. Yall want to punish others but live punishment free cause that's how unchecked privilege has conditioned you pansies
A new high school and a STEM program would solve this problem.
Excellent movie addressing social issues of it’s time echoing today’s problems. Dirty Harry and this makes a great double feature.
I take it you didn't watch the video of Hasan downplaying the damages cost by these blacks...I mean teens. Teens is now the pc term.

"Teens" "urban youth" we all know the euphemisms.

Just say blacks.

They are teens, they are black, they are urban, etc. There's tons of adjectives that correctly describe them.

Unsurprisingly, the one that's most important for a lot of you guys is their race.