Looks like Dan Kelly is facing Shoeface at Brisbane...


Brown Belt
Oct 11, 2013
Reaction score
I would like to put a source, but couln't find any besides tapology.

Anyway, i don't think Kelly can handle shoeface. IMO, Shoeface is a little better in almost everything than Kelly, specially cardio.
Who the hell is shoeface and Kelly? I know shadface and fartface, but not shoeface
Antonio Carlos Jr aka Cara de sapato


Dudes young and a real beast on the mat. his recent time spent at ATT is gonna turn him into quite a beast. Kevin Casey knew this and totally took the cheap way out in their last fight.

That being said, Dan Kelly should be a cakewalk for shoeface
why is Kelly still around? That Walsh fight was an atrocity

he's old for his weight class, slow, and his striking looks stiff as fuck

his judo doesn't seem too effective, either
Antonio Carlos Jr aka Cara de sapato


Dudes young and a real beast on the mat. his recent time spent at ATT is gonna turn him into quite a beast. Kevin Casey knew this and totally took the cheap way out in their last fight.

That being said, Dan Kelly should be a cakewalk for shoeface

Yeah real baby Casey is
Well, Kelly said he would retire if he loses his last bout... Will he retire if he loses now? I think so... Like someone already said, he's too slow and old for his weightclass.
Should be easy enough for Shoeface.

Even if Kelly's judo works, he ain't outgrappling Shoeface on the ground. Shoeface, TKO, 2nd round.
Maybe I should stick my finger in your eye until it bleeds, eh?

I'm sure you're a real badass irl.

Meh... Rumble and Mitrione have recently fought through worse.

Kevin Casey knew he had nothing for Cara de Sapato.

Btw did you lose a bet or something? Kinda strange to see youve joined the Domin8or bandwagon
Meh... Rumble and Mitrione have recently fought through worse.

Kevin Casey knew he had nothing for Cara de Sapato.

Btw did you lose a bet or something? Kinda strange to see youve joined the Domin8or bandwagon
Matt's eye wasn't bleeding. Neither was Rumble's. Nice job trying to justify an eye-poke though.
Well, well, the geriatric old man with the mobility of the Chrysler Building managed to tough it out and get the W. Did not see that one coming. In Carlos Jr. I have a nasty feeling we have yet another example of a Brazilian that is a demon on offense but just can not persevere when forced to play defense. I can only hope he works on pacing himself and proper game planning going forward.

The dump into a really low face kick that was meant to be a knee that Kelly did was one of the weirder moments of last night.
I was stoked Dan Kelly got the win, but let's not get ahead of ourselves, he's not relevant in the division. Good on him for earning some money though.
Copious amounts of Royal crow was dished up in this treasure.

Nice bump.
I was stoked Dan Kelly got the win, but let's not get ahead of ourselves, he's not relevant in the division. Good on him for earning some money though.
Kelly beats rockhold via old man strength :D