News Leaked UFO/UAP Photo and Related Reports

Senzo Tanaka

Gold Belt
Dec 21, 2010
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Why is this not a bigger deal? I would hope that this would be front page headlines everywhere along with the public actively engaged and wanting more details.

This is basically one of the first ever credible UFO pictures along with some pretty stunning reports that are leaking.

The cliff notes version is that the Pentagon has a task force to study "Fast Movers" and "Transmedium" vehicles. No longer are they being called UFOs but UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon). The report mentions that these objects have been seen moving at rapid speed under water and in the air. The report also mentions these objects as alien or "non-human" as of possible origin.

In the case of the picture that leaked, it was taken from a fighter pilots cockpit and has been in private circulation for a few years. There is another photo that has yet to leak that shows a triangle object that was seen emerging from the ocean.

While I'm a skeptic and believe in the principle of Occam's Razor, I'm still fascinated and intrigued. While I'm not ready to say it's aliens, no matter the origin, it's exciting and I don't understand why more people aren't talking about it. The David Fravor tic tac story from a couple of years back showed an object being tracked at a massive rate of speed while actively jamming their radar. There's speculation that it could have come from the ocean and has a witness of 4 pilots all from different angles and altitudes. That, along with the radar data and radio recordings were released to the public.

If it's China or another country, it's still interesting because that means they have technology that seemingly defies physics. If it's alien or even some kind of ancient civilization, well, that's the biggest story in the history of mankind.

The weird thing to me is the ocean component. There are several reports now saying these might be coming from the ocean. If it IS alien, are they hiding in the ocean or are they actually terrestrial and a hidden civilization? I'm still skeptical about Bob Lazar but he mentioned that the devices he worked on, he was told that they were ancient technology and found during archeological digs which is just as intriguing as aliens to me.

It's also interesting to note that the leaked picture resembles one of the very first UFO sightings by pilot Kenneth Arnold who claims he saw 9 objects flying approximately 1,200mph in 1947 and drew this composite sketch:


Anyway, I love UFOs and mysteries and I'm not sure why people aren't talking more about it. Unlike past UFO talk, this is actually coming from credible people, actual leaked reports, photos and real life task forces. Something is going on and it seems like for once, the government is willing to let the public in on it.

Here are a few companion videos worth watching:


We were talking about the possibility of alien life visiting the planet earlier today at work. Honestly, no chance. The question you have to ask yourself is: why?

Why would they bother? If there is a civilization out there that is advanced enough for interstellar travel, they're so far technologically advanced past us, that we are basically amoeba crawling out of the ocean compared to them. There is literally no reason for them to even come here, much less stay here.

And if they did come here, what point in hiding themselves from us? They could do whatever the fuck they wanted, and there is absolutely zero that we could do about it.
I’m 100% convinced it will be public common knowledge that aliens are here.

just watched a pile of stuff on Dr Steven Greer.

close encounters of the fifth kind: contact has begun.

We were talking about the possibility of alien life visiting the planet earlier today at work. Honestly, no chance. The question you have to ask yourself is: why?

Well, when talking about the intentions of alien life, you can't look at it solely through a lens of human logic. Who knows what the hell they would come here for? How would anyone even begin to theorize their purpose?
The experts they asked about the image said it looks like a Mylar balloon, and that they’re not uncommon even at very high altitude for scientific research. There’s no indication it was moving, and it would make sense for a pilot to think it out of the ordinary when flying with nothing else in sight, even if the object itself nothing special.
Yeah I'm more of a believer than a sceptic these days. Phenomenon was a great documentary but I was pretty disappointed with Jaques Vallee on JRE recently. Cool stuff though and I wish this stuff would garner much more interest and governments would be more transparent and start working together on this. Might put things in perspective for a lot of people.