Jones has only really beaten himself.
When he's actually shown up motivated, nobody has come close to beating him yet.
Not everyone presented the threat level and healthy fear necessary to produce the adrenaline and butterflies.
So, there's a hand full of fights where he was a little too confident. Rightfully so, but it's those times you don't have any concern towards your opponents that you tend to lose fights you shouldn't lose.
GSP Serra is a great example of that. He's said in podcasts that he's always afraid and never sleeps before his fights. That's the one fight he slept like a baby.
I believe the same energy is responsible for some of Jons most lackadaisical performances.
That's the dilemma of being on top and so far ahead of the competition from an early age. The same fire isn't always going to be there, especially if you don't truly respect your opponent and believe they can beat you.
A lot of cases like this, both in combat sports and sports in general. Players, teams lose matches they shouldn't lose, not because their opponents are better or even close to it, but they're missing the butterflies and healthy fear which allows them to perform at their potential.