Just said to my wife.

I said "do you have a kitty cat?"

She said what?

I said "because your pants are purring lol.

She didn't laugh, but I know she wanted to lol

Somewhere at some lady forum:

Thread title: Do you understand his humor?

Recently my partner asked me something about kitty cats and purring pants. I saw he thought he was very funny and I tried to laugh with him, but I found it hard to smile. He didn't see I didn't understand or liked the joke and he even told me he could see I wanted to laugh.

After the joke he immediately went on his pc and it could be he even made notes about it, because he had the same smile on his face.

More women who recognize this? How you react?
Somewhere at some lady forum:

Thread title: Do you understand his humor?

Recently my partner asked me something about kitty cats and purring pants. I saw he thought he was very funny and I tried to laugh with him, but I found it hard to smile. He didn't see I didn't understand or liked the joke and he even told me he could see I wanted to laugh.

After the joke he immediately went on his pc and it could be he even made notes about it, because he had the same smile on his face.

More women who recognize this? How you react?

Lmao, my wife likes to act like she doesn't "get it" but I know that she does.
She's a very intelligent person which at times doesn't allow her to laugh at the silly ;)
I might modify this for tonight.

"Do you have a kitty cat, with signs of kidney failure?"

"No why?"

"Because your pants aren't moving"

My wife will either just look at me like "wtf?" or say "you have 5 minutes."