Jones dancing in the club, do you think he looks like hes on that WHITE?


Feb 7, 2015
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He looks pretty lit here. Even the way he touches his nose. If you have done blow you know what I mean! We all know he tested positive for the cox. What do you guys think?
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i cant see shit bruv
yep now i can and yeah hes off his chops
Smashing young white innocent petite babes until the end of time. Deal with it playboiz
if you have experience with coke you can clearly see that he might be on coke.
fwiw, i frequently touch my nose, because i've broken my nose so many times i've got portions of my septum removed,

and i've never done coke
What's even more pathetic are the people just standing there watching him.
Let the man do a bit of coke you fucking pussies

We'd all do the same

Literal educators / geniuses and humans of all types have partaken in the coca since it's inception, a little bit isn't gonna hurt you
I was thinking about that scene from the book the other day, when he says he was running up and down the street flapping his coat like Dracula, such a great book (the film is amazing as well obviously).