Media Jon Jones fiancée has left him

goodluck getting that child support, Jon decisions that bum court anyday
Jon when he goes to bed:

When there's no reply:

Outside of child support, which could be a good sum, does she have a job? Is her name on any vehicles or homes?
She’s gonna take him for so much that ole Jonny is going to have no choice but to come back and fight again.
Really ? In a state were you can use firearms to defend yourself I wouldnt give a crap about Jones being an mma fighter. That doesnt make him bulletproof.
Jon has loads of firearms though.
They were together a long time. She could be entitled to palimony...

  1. An allowance for support made under court order and given usually by one person to his or her former lover or live-in companion after they have separated.
  2. a form of alimony paid to a former partner in a romantic relationship after a period of living together, even though the two persons involved were not married to each other. The absence of a formal marriage distinguishes it from alimony.
  3. A form of alimony paid to a former partner in a nonmaritalrelationship.
Yesterday the head butting/nerd cop calling video, now this. I wonder what's next on the horizon?
Dude, the flood gates for fucking up has officially opened for Jon, just wait now.
There are certain fighters like Jones where you have to respect his skill but how could you genuinely want the guy to win at this point? He’s not murdered anyone of course but displays generally shitty behaviour on many occasions. These are not coincidences, he’s not the victim.
He probably posted about it hoping all the insta hoes will run towards him.
Jon thought that your demise for the years of criminal damage you caused to others in and out of MMA is over?
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Man what the fuck ever.

Trauma can make you do fucked up shit and drive you to drink. However,when the dust settles,smoke is clear,he takes no responsibility for any of it. That is not trauma that is a delusional narcissistic asshole

But his lack of responsibility shows he lacks empathy, which is why im asking why is he the way he is.

The same way people try to understand the brain of a serial killer that has no remorse for his actions, Jones is halfway there. He's never at fault, it's never his wrongdoing, and he uses god as a delusional crutch.

I wonder if theres something(s) in his life that snowballed his sociopathic behaviour.

Or am I just overthinking it? Alot of celebrities go off the deep end, so maybe hes just cocky and doesnt give af lool