If Shane bought UFC he would have turned it into pride.. The UFC woulda been really fun for a year or two and then it would get absurd. Meanwhile Dana White and his goon squad would have bought Pride and turned it into the UFC is today.. UFC would have been just as successful as the XFL and We would all be watching Pride FC today under the management of Dana White.
I doubt it. Pride did not fail because of normal reasons. They lost their TV and exposure with the ties to the Yakuza. That's like being a politician on a campaign run and the world finding out you have ties to the mafia. Your support system crumbles.
Shane would have done an amazing job with WWE.
Vince really should have just gave Shane WCW when they made the purchase and let Shane run that organization separately ..then every year at New Years have a massive WWE Vs. WCW PPV!
That was the plan initially. The problem is, Vince rarely watched other wrestling shows, so he was not aware of who was who in WCW, and the first WCW match they ran in WWE was Buff Bagwell vs Booker T. Vince saw them wrestle and was convinced most of the WCW guys sucked balls at wrestling.
Most guys who jumped over to WWF before WCW went under sucked initially because it is a different style of wrestling. Its like working in 1 place for years and then going to another similar place with different software. No you can't do the job 100% from the get go, but Vince does not get that.
Mind you, booker T was merely "Okay", Bagwell sucked wherever he went, and DDP was not a good wrestler.
The quality of matches suffer until you learn the style of the new workplace.
Vader sucked for a long time when he went to WWF. So did Big show and so did Jericho. Their matches sucked for the first few months until they got the hang of it.
WWF also did not get most of the big names. Vince refused to buy the contracts of the big name players(With good reason. They all had creative control and limited schedules for HUGE money). But not getting Poppa Pump, Hogan, Hall and Nash, Goldberg, Sting, etc made the invasion consist of the dregs of the WCW roster. Mike Awesome and Kanyon were not exactly household names. Booker T was the only superstar they got initially.
After seeing Bagwell/BookerT stink out the joint, Vince just assumed they were so awful in WCW that they could never run on their own.