Hi Everyone,
Just seeking a little clarity regarding your ideal shoulder positioning. I've seen guys enjoy success with both high [shrugged up, forward,] or right down [in socket?, forward].
Until my shoulder surgery i would keep my shoulders high and forward, but I was wondering, does this compromise rotator cuff safety?
Does lowered shoulders compromise defense for power?
I remember reading something about this -- pretty sure Connor Ruebusch mentioned it somewhere -- but I cant find it atm.
I also tried to find pic examples but no luck; from memory, Carlos Condit keeps his shoulders quite high, while Jake Ellenbuger has his low.
Sorry if this question has been discussed ad nausem.
Just seeking a little clarity regarding your ideal shoulder positioning. I've seen guys enjoy success with both high [shrugged up, forward,] or right down [in socket?, forward].
Until my shoulder surgery i would keep my shoulders high and forward, but I was wondering, does this compromise rotator cuff safety?
Does lowered shoulders compromise defense for power?
I remember reading something about this -- pretty sure Connor Ruebusch mentioned it somewhere -- but I cant find it atm.
I also tried to find pic examples but no luck; from memory, Carlos Condit keeps his shoulders quite high, while Jake Ellenbuger has his low.
Sorry if this question has been discussed ad nausem.