Looks too dense to be a souffle pancake. Would still eat tho. What method did you use?Been trying to make those fluffy pancakes that they sell in Japan and this is what I made. Some thic cakes.
Looks too dense to be a souffle pancake. Would still eat tho. What method did you use?
i just used a reg pancake recipe and cooked them slow inside this cookie/cake ring on a skillet. They taste just like reg pancakes but thicker. I need to look up a real recipe for souffle pancake. They alway look so good.
Wood not bang
Throw away the molds & use this:What if I made them Protein Cakes? Think about the gains.
What if I made them Protein Cakes? Think about the gains.
Misleading title
But I like where your head is at
But there's no horses on itI'd eat that