Hollywood announces all-female remake of Lord of the Flies, feminist backlash ensues



First came the news:

Many of you remember reading “Lord of the Flies” by William Goldman in high school, only to be shown the 1963 movie and then ask your teacher, “So why did you make me read a book?” Classic as the film may be, the version this younger generation may see in schools will be far different than the one we saw, as Warner Bros. is gearing up for a new adaptation of the beloved story, this time with a slight twist.

Deadline got the news that WB is working on a new version of FLIES that will take the group of boys stranded on the island and replace them with young girls. The movie is set to be written and directed by WHAT MAISIE KNEW and BEE SEASON filmmakers Scott McGehee & David Siegel. The duo spoke about wanting to do a contemporary version while using the gender swap to create a new dynamic for audiences:

Siegel: We want to do a very faithful but contemporized adaptation of the book, but our idea was to do it with all girls rather than boys. It is a timeless story that is especially relevant today, with the interpersonal conflicts and bullying, and the idea of children forming a society and replicating the behavior they saw in grownups before they were marooned.

[the subject matter] is aggressively suspenseful, and taking the opportunity to tell it in a way it hasn’t been told before, with girls rather than boys, is that it shifts things in a way that might help people see the story anew. It breaks away from some of the conventions, the ways we think of boys and aggression. People still talk about the movie and the book from the standpoint of pure storytelling. It is a great adventure story, real entertainment, but it has a lot of meaning embedded in it as well. We’ve gotten to think about this awhile as the rights were worked out, and we’re super eager to put pen to paper.

And then came the backlash:

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they're right it wouldn't happen with all women. They'd starve to death in a couple of days.
It takes a lot of balls to say a big group of women would all get along in perfect harmony
I was just in Vegas for the week.

Feminism doesn't exist In vegas. It's a crock of bull spunk.
Riiight because girls never form groups and bully the hell out of outcasts.

brb backstabbing the feck out of each other.

brb too busy bitching and crying to start building shelter and finding food

brb Half would probaby die vs. just one. lol
I'm so confused.

Me too, actually.

I figured the backlash would come from men who are like, "WTF?" and it would end up being a Ghostbusters kind of thing.

But nope, apparently the people who are the most pissed about this all-female idea are females.
I can't wait for the all male remake of the Golden Girls show.
They should build large farming and aquaculture facilities and work on scientific advancement on the island. They set their sights to reach the moon in 2 years and endeavor towards this goal, running into some roadblocks along the way (some men sneak in and try to sabotage their industry), but persevere.
Roxane gay is right if it was all women stranded on an island their weak little fucking arms couldnt build any suitable shelters or hunt so they would sit around in the sand crying and having their periods until a bunch of men saved them
Me too, actually.

I figured the backlash would come from men who are like, "WTF?" and it would end up being a Ghostbusters kind of thing.

But nope, apparently the people who are the most pissed about this all-female idea are females.
Call me crazy but I thought the point of the story was that humans, regardless of gender, will revert back to their most savage state in a primal situation.
they're right it wouldn't happen with all women. They'd starve to death in a couple of days.

right after lezzing the fuck out hardcore

I was just in Vegas for the week.

Feminism doesn't exist In vegas. It's a crock of bull spunk.

point of order, all the crotches of women's in vegas be full of bull spunk

Roxane gay is right if it was all women stranded on an island their weak little fucking arms couldnt build any suitable shelters or hunt so they would sit around in the sand crying and having their periods until a bunch of men saved them

when did "save" and "fuck " swap meanings?
My mom has hit my father. I know a guy who's wife hit him over the head with a wine bottle.

I don't know any men who hit their wives or children.

Why do we have to act like only men are violent? Women lash out and get violent all the time. I actually think it might make for a fun movie.
if naked and afraid is ANY indication.....

good. scrap this idea immediately
Whatever, I decided after bitching for months and months about that Ghostbusters re-make, that Idc anymore, I'm not going to bitch if they wanna remake classic movies with an all female cast.

Just make sure the chicks are hot, and there's at least 2 scissoring scenes (Ghostbusters had neither).
Call me crazy but I thought the point of the story was that humans, regardless of gender, will revert back to their most savage state in a primal situation.

Well the story focuses specifically on a group of boys. I'm not sure what the author's intention was in terms of how gender-specific it was supposed to be.
Why do we have to act like only men are violent? Women lash out and get violent all the time. I actually think it might make for a fun movie.

I'd actually be down to watch it. Seeing a bunch of girls act like complete savages would be interesting.