Heavyweight Christian 'Godzilla' Columbo signs with UFC

This nickname alone should be a reason to watch him.
Good, now force Bigfoot to retire
Is he legit 6'5'' or Shane Carwin 6'5''?

How old is he?
Footage of him sparring:

It is sad that UFC can't make a deal with legit young prospects like Pavlovich or Goltsov and only sign old mediocre HWs.
Fck Yes finally Colombo is in the UFC!!

Just backs up my opinion even more in another thread that one thing the ufc brand is good at is picking up euro prospects.

This guy is a straight up beast and has also fought on cards with Emil Weber Meek who also just signed.

My assumption is he fights on the Hamburg card in Germany. My parents are moving close by there in a few weeks so I'm considering taking a week off and fly out to visit them and check out this card. Should be a good one for the Euros!