Fedor situation V Frankie Ng


Red Belt
Aug 11, 2006
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So, Fedor wanted better money, and / or some kind of leverage in the promotional side of things. Plain English, he wanted to get paid, and wanted to be in-front of, and behind the camera so to speak. He wanted his boys to get paid to I guess.

It's not MASSIVELY different to what Francis is hung up on. As I understand it, he wants to negotiate his deal after, or before every fight. Wants the freedom to take on other pursuits while he's doing that. He doesn't want to be OWNED by the UFC... Pretty much the same as Fedor ..... This is the narrative anyway. None of the promotions, or him to be fair, have listed the same reasons for backing out... It's a different one every time.

The biggest difference seems to be that EVERYONE is having a hard time finding common ground with Francis, whereas with Fedor it seemed that only Dana and co had a hard time.

For me, that speaks volumes as to what it is preventing Francis from getting signed.

Flame away. But I don't think he is doing himself any favours right now.
I love Feodor but his crooked ass management team was demanding that they build a stadium in Russia. Did Francis ask for a stadium to be built as well?
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The real difference is that people wanted to fight Fedor. Top HWs left the UFC to pursue fights with him and they knew they could promote the fights based off the familiar names. With Francis leaving, Jon filled that gap and everyone wants to be the first to beat Jones, no one cares about chasing Francis at this point.
I love Feodor but his crooked ass management team was demanding that they build a stadium in Russia. Did Francis also ask for a stadium to be built in Nigeria?

I didn't know that part. I'm more looking at the fact that EVERY other promoter was happy to deal with them and had absolutely no complaints while in negotiations or while working with them. Whereas with Frankie, it seems the rest of the promotions see it the same way the UFC did.

I'm quite surprised frankly.
Dana White claimed that Fedor wanted to build a whole stadium in Russia, blah blah blah. Dana White’s own mother hates him for being a lying sack of dogshit so there’s no reason to believe anything he says.

Fedor said he didn’t like how disrespectful and unprofessional Dana was and felt he didn’t need the UFC to continue to make money and do well.

In terms of Francis, I’m sure Dana was a real piece of shit to him too.
Fedors demands were crazier IIRC. That Vadim dude was insane
The ONE guy did list reasons for backing out. He said Francis was asking for a seat on their board of directors and other non financial terms.

So Fedor enjoyed white (not Dana white) privilege?
If Dana says Fedor wanted him to build a stadium the truth was probably somewhere in the middle, he probably just meant he wanted to fight in Russia.
The real difference is that people wanted to fight Fedor. Top HWs left the UFC to pursue fights with him and they knew they could promote the fights based off the familiar names. With Francis leaving, Jon filled that gap and everyone wants to be the first to beat Jones, no one cares about chasing Francis at this point.

Also Fedor stayed in his lane (MMA).
So other mma fighters wanted to fight him.

Frank as a boxer is unproven and has a 0 - 0 record.
If we dont count the money, whats in it for a world champ to face Frank in boxing?
If he wins no big deal he should beat a 0 - 0 boxer, if he loses well he sucked and lost to a 0 - 0 boxer.

I dont think the big payday for MMA fighters are a regular thing, its more wishful thinking from mma fans.
Conor has /had +30 mil followers on social media and if he farts there is thread about it.
It easy to market, and he fought a retired Floyd. Not much to be lost for Floyd.

AS a former world champ and one if not the best 185 ever, how much interest did his boxing fights real gain?
What I'm saying is. We only heard that from one promoter. What's happening with Francis is industry wide. They really don't seem too thrilled about how he approaches the process.

We have heard from 2 promoters thus far? How many are saying this?
I think that they're similar but not identical scenarios, and have more nuance and details behind the scenes than what we know. Dana, Chatri, Vadim - they all tell their versions of the story, and the truth is out there somewhere.

The ONE guy did list reasons for backing out. He said Francis was asking for a seat on their board of directors and other non financial terms.

And you trust what a promoter says about a fighter let alone a sketchy one like him?? Come the fuck on
Also Fedor stayed in his lane (MMA).
So other mma fighters wanted to fight him.

Frank as a boxer is unproven and has a 0 - 0 record.
If we dont count the money, whats in it for a world champ to face Frank in boxing?
If he wins no big deal he should beat a 0 - 0 boxer, if he loses well he sucked and lost to a 0 - 0 boxer.

I dont think the big payday for MMA fighters are a regular thing, its more wishful thinking from mma fans.
Conor has /had +30 mil followers on social media and if he farts there is thread about it.
It easy to market, and he fought a retired Floyd. Not much to be lost for Floyd.

AS a former world champ and one if not the best 185 ever, how much interest did his boxing fights real gain?

I've said this so many times with regards to MayMac. People forget .. Before that fight, he was an absolute phenom. He had fans coming out of his ass from the very off. He was loud as fuck and was (at that time) backing it up. He LIVED for being in-front of a camera and seemed to revel in the chaos. This is compelling.

I said this before. Francis stood next to Fury after the Whyte fight and grinned like an fan meeting his hero. He was given THE BIGGEST stage in boxing to cut a promo and just friend zoned it.

There are so many other guys out there prepared to step up and goof off to get noticed - appearances on Ariel's show ain't gonna cut it
We have heard from 2 promoters thus far? How many are saying this?

We've heard from Bellator/BKFC and now ONE, plus of course The UFC.

In all fairness, Bellator haven't made a concrete statement yet, but he's not going there and has sat down with them. Coker has been diplomatic with his comments, but ultimately the same thing is happening
I've said this so many times with regards to MayMac. People forget .. Before that fight, he was an absolute phenom. He had fans coming out of his ass from the very off. He was loud as fuck and was (at that time) backing it up. He LIVED for being in-front of a camera and seemed to revel in the chaos. This is compelling.

I said this before. Francis stood next to Fury after the Whyte fight and grinned like an fan meeting his hero. He was given THE BIGGEST stage in boxing to cut a promo and just friend zoned it.

There are so many other guys out there prepared to step up and goof off to get noticed - appearances on Ariel's show ain't gonna cut it

Also Lloyd was retired more or less, and smaller than Conor.
A loss would not have done much to Floyd's rep/ legacy really. No lost face or market value / rank.
It was an easy choice here. Not much to lose for both parts in it.

The scenario is a lot different with Frank.
He might get one fight, does he lose that one in a big way his boxing pay days are over.
Conor never lost that since he was /is an MMA fighter first and went back making cash in UFC.
Also Lloyd was retired more or less, and smaller than Conor.
A loss would not have done much to Floyd's rep/ legacy really. No lost face or market value / rank.
It was an easy choice here. Not much to lose for both parts in it.

The scenario is a lot different with Frank.
He might get one fight, does he lose that one in a big way his boxing pay days are over.
Conor never lost that since he was /is an MMA fighter first and went back making cash in UFC.

Didn't realize I was talking to the man. Peace Bob!
Also Lloyd was retired more or less, and smaller than Conor.
A loss would not have done much to Floyd's rep/ legacy really. No lost face or market value / rank.
It was an easy choice here. Not much to lose for both parts in it.

The scenario is a lot different with Frank.
He might get one fight, does he lose that one in a big way his boxing pay days are over.
Conor never lost that since he was /is an MMA fighter first and went back making cash in UFC.

It's wild for me to imagine he walked away from The UFC with nothing concrete arranged. I know he's not exactly scraping pennies together for his lunch. But the clock is ticking. It was nearly 2 years ago that he last fought and he has the exposure level of Anne Frank. If he ain't knocking people the fuck out, people don't even know he's there.
So, Fedor wanted better money, and / or some kind of leverage in the promotional side of things. Plain English, he wanted to get paid, and wanted to be in-front of, and behind the camera so to speak. He wanted his boys to get paid to I guess.

It's not MASSIVELY different to what Francis is hung up on. As I understand it, he wants to negotiate his deal after, or before every fight. Wants the freedom to take on other pursuits while he's doing that. He doesn't want to be OWNED by the UFC... Pretty much the same as Fedor ..... This is the narrative anyway. None of the promotions, or him to be fair, have listed the same reasons for backing out... It's a different one every time.

The biggest difference seems to be that EVERYONE is having a hard time finding common ground with Francis, whereas with Fedor it seemed that only Dana and co had a hard time.

For me, that speaks volumes as to what it is preventing Francis from getting signed.

Flame away. But I don't think he is doing himself any favours right now.
What are the promotion who passed on him?

BKFC who is totally out of its league and never was in a position to make a credible offer.

ONE FC, who first said they would not make a final offer and 2 days later claimed they offered 20Millions.