Favorite place for vacation ?


Mar 29, 2019
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List only place you have vacated in.

Im an Albanian from Kosova , Westerners apparently have a different view in vacations and most of us for vacations go mostly to beaches and even though we are a landlocked country we have some great beaches near.
My favorite place for vacation may be Ulqin(Ulcinj) . I've also been in a couple of vacations in Albania and they have great beaches as well but i prefer Ulqin beaches especially the ones located at Plazha e Madhe(Long Beach) more.
Ulqin is a city in Montenegro which is majorly populated with Albanians(70%) and has historically been populated with Albanians a fact which is also another reason why Albanians like to spent their summer vacations there since it doesnt really feel as going to a foreign country for us when traveling there ,
I may go as far as to say that Ulqin has the best sand beach in Adriatik Sea which im confident that im not the only one to say that , Ulqin city in general and nightlife during summer is amazing as well . If any of you wants to visit Balkan and want to try its beaches i strongly recommend you visiting Ulqin (If you are in summer)



Another great place to vacate in Balkan is an village of Albania named Ksamil if you are into shingle beaches insetad of sand Ksamil and other South Albania beaches are definitely is what you are looking for.
Ksamil Beach


Saranda Beach

Dhermi Beach

Syri i Kaltert (Blue Eye) also not a beach. , located near Saranda

What is your favorite place to vacate in ?
taking my wife and two boys to portugal this august

expecting big things, hopefully it goes well
My favorite pub or any quality golf course during the summer.
We've always enjoyed going to Greece. I've always wanted to go up to the Adriatic, though. I'm intrigued by the city of Trieste.
My favorite place to vacation has always been Maine. I love it up there & always assumed that I'd wind up living there at some point in my life but it never happened. I came close to moving there on a couple of occasions but my plans fell through.
We've always enjoyed going to Greece. I've always wanted to go up to the Adriatic, though. I'm intrigued by the city of Trieste.
Where do you live? I wouls definitely recommend you trying Adriatik.
My favorite place to vacation has always been Maine. I love it up there & always assumed that I'd wind up living there at some point in my life but it never happened. I came close to moving there on a couple of occasions but my plans fell through.
Do you prefer castle rock or Derry?
France. From Paris to Nice, there's beautiful architecture, cuisine, beaches, women, museums, etc.

Generally mountainous areas. Anything but the beach. Sick of it, quite honestly.
Let me go to Glacier national park every year, and I'd be a happy fella