- Comic book movies are truly vacuous brain-destroying horseshit that cannot be appreciated by anyone with any sort of intelligence.
-Golf is one of the worst things a person can do with their life. It's a nearly perfect example of elitism, environmental destruction, phoniness and pretension.
-perfume and cologne are utterly obnoxious. Why is it that people accept an uninvited assault on everyone else's sense of smell? Just because the wearer decides everyone around them needs to be experiencing this. Why limit this impulse to just smell? Why not go around humming a song every second of the day? why not give little shoulder rubs to anyone who comes near? Perfume is exactly this, except worse because smell is the only sense that directly impacts the brain, and many of the ingredients in perfumes and colognes are toxic.
-Traveling doesn't make you worldly or interesting. It's not the domain of the enlightened or the worldly. It's just burning a shitload of fossil fuels to go and transport yourself into another economic structure where you aren't the loser that you are where you live, and people have to dote on you.