Erika Cruz tests positive

Crazy i used to live in her building and knew her father in NY back in the day when she was a teenager nthink she turned a bit to late and hesitated to much thinking about Olympic stuff .
Crazy i used to live in her building and knew her father in NY back in the day when she was a teenager nthink she turned a bit to late and hesitated to much thinking about Olympic stuff .
With women it really doesnt matter that much. The level of skill is incredible low. I have seen two female world champs training live and sparred with a kickboxing world champ and it was simply horrible compared to men.
A friend of mine sparred a back then world champ and at that time he had around 2 years of boxing. He was leagues above her in everything (ok he was not a normal student but wanted to go pro from zero)
It was at the level of an accomplished local (not even regional) amateur boxer. If you have some basics and training dedication you can also translate in your 30s.