Does the Bisping Fight Drop hints of how GSP would have fared against Silva at 185


Jul 18, 2019
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To be honest I think it does.

1. Bisping was very hard to keep down on the ground and he was elbowing GSPs face and hurting him from the bottom. I think Anderson was just as dangerous from the bottom as Bisping and even more so with the submission threat.

2. Bisping landed right hands that hurt GSP. Anderson hits harder and would have followed up with flying knees and kicks and it would have hurt.

3. GSP beat Bisping who was blind in one eye and comparitively slow to a prime Anderson Silva. I know he outboxed the shadow of Faded Silva. And also got Dropped badly. GSP was in danger of losing a decision or getting finished had that fight went on. Anderson is sturdier and harder to finish than Bisping.
GSP seemed to have slowed down a lot by the time he fought Condit and Hendricks, let alone for the Bisping fight. He could have given Anderson a lot of problem during his prime.
Bisping beat up Silva.

GSP choked Bisping unconcious after 4 years off.

GSP > Silva
Anderson would have demolished GSP. GSP doesn't spam takedowns or chain wrestle. He sets his shots up with jabs. He's very patient. Anderson would absolutely piece him up on the feet.

And GSP knew this. Which is why he didn't move up in his prime but happily moved up after a 4 year lay off when Bisping was champion.
gsp is a coward. didnt have the balls to move up and fight anderson in his prime but was happy to move up for bisping. now he wants to fight a lightweight lol gtfo georgina you coward
To be honest I think it does.

1. Bisping was very hard to keep down on the ground and he was elbowing GSPs face and hurting him from the bottom. I think Anderson was just as dangerous from the bottom as Bisping and even more so with the submission threat.

2. Bisping landed right hands that hurt GSP. Anderson hits harder and would have followed up with flying knees and kicks and it would have hurt.

3. GSP beat Bisping who was blind in one eye and comparitively slow to a prime Anderson Silva. I know he outboxed the shadow of Faded Silva. And also got Dropped badly. GSP was in danger of losing a decision or getting finished had that fight went on. Anderson is sturdier and harder to finish than Bisping.
Yes. Bisping beat silva a few fights before this. Anderson didnt finish bisping. Arguably for sure because i saw his lights go out. GSP finished bisping so id say MMA math GSP beats silve VIA decision
Anderson lost to Bisping

GSP finished Bisping

Silva would have KOd GSP, which is why GSP ducked the fight.
Anderson would have demolished GSP. GSP doesn't spam takedowns or chain wrestle. He sets his shots up with jabs. He's very patient. Anderson would absolutely piece him up on the feet.

And GSP knew this. Which is why he didn't move up in his prime but happily moved up after a 4 year lay off when Bisping was champion.
Chael Sonnen dominated Silva lol

gsp is a coward. didnt have the balls to move up and fight anderson in his prime but was happy to move up for bisping. now he wants to fight a lightweight lol gtfo georgina you coward
Silva is a coward for not fighting GSP in his weightclass.

The fact that people still debate this matchup goes to show how superior GSP is.

When 50% of the people think GSP wins despite giving up 20-30 pounds proves that he is better.

No one has ever called Aldo a coward for not moving up. No one has ever called Silva a coward for not fighting Jones. So why is it that GSP is the only dominant champ that gets called a coward for wanting to stay in his own weightclass which he isn't even particularly big for?

Chael Sonnen dominated Silva lol

Silva is a coward for not fighting GSP in his weightclass.

The fact that people still debate this matchup goes to show how superior GSP is.

When 50% of the people think GSP wins despite giving up 20-30 pounds proves that he is better.

No one has ever called Aldo a coward for not moving up. No one has ever called Silva a coward for not fighting Jones. So why is it that only GSP gets called a coward for wanting to stay in his own weightclass?

gsp refused to defend against whittaker , your mans a coward , a big bald canadian coward !!!!

u know, there was a point in time where silva MAY have beat gsp... maybe

but for the most part, gsp woulda beat him, despite the size difference
Chael Sonnen dominated Silva lol

"Dominated" lost 2 fights out of 2. And Chael is a pressure wrestler. GSP isn't. I literally addressed it in my first sentence.
Chael Sonnen dominated Silva lol

Silva is a coward for not fighting GSP in his weightclass.

The fact that people still debate this matchup goes to show how superior GSP is.

When 50% of the people think GSP wins despite giving up 20-30 pounds proves that he is better.

No one has ever called Aldo a coward for not moving up. No one has ever called Silva a coward for not fighting Jones. So why is it that GSP is the only dominant champ that gets called a coward for wanting to stay in his own weightclass which he isn't even particularly big for?


GSP is no coward. He is the GOAT.

I respect him big time.

But I think him fighting Silva in his prime at 185 would not have been wise, especially before USADA.
Well, GSP wasn't really at his physical prime anymore and struggled to make weight, i agree with the notion that a younger middleweight GSP would've been even more dominant against Bisping.
The thing is, GSP really struggled to put on the weight for 185 - which might've been a lot because of his age and fight-mileage - but it would've most likely been an advantage for Anderson Silva, having GSP fight him at a weight-class he doesn't really belong at.

Regarding the difference in strength: both Bisping and Silva fought at light heavyweight, but Bisping is the bigger one out of the two, so Silva most likely wouldn't have been as physically strong as Bisping was against GSP.
If you exclude A Silva - who wasn't officially ranked at the time, so you should - Bisping has 1 top 5 win. Ever. He also beat Stann and Belcher, guys ranked around #9, so he actually has 3 top 10 wins. But two of them were barely, barely, top 10. He has 7 top 10 losses.

Enough already. Stop pretending he was a great fighter. He was a good fighter with much better than average longevity and exactly 1 huge win. Less huge wins than Sokoudjou.
"Dominated" lost 2 fights out of 2. And Chael is a pressure wrestler. GSP isn't. I literally addressed it in my first sentence.
Silva also had injured ribs going into the first fight while Chael was on an epic amount of juice and had 16:1 testosterone ratio. Silva still finished him.

We all saw how the rematch went with a healthy Silva (who was already passed his prime). He KOd Sonnen within 2 rounds.