Relationship Do you believe in love or lust at first sight?

Do you believe in love or lust at first site?

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Takes Two To Tango

The one who doesn't fall, doesn't stand up.
Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2010
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I just don't see how someone can fall in love at someone they don't know. So lust it must be.

Depends on gender. Men and women are different. They have different chemical reactions going on.
You can certainly have Lust at first site, it's just a mental and physical reaction to someone you perceive as attractive!

Now there is no such thing as "Love at first site."

The people who claimed to have had it met their partner, they dated, then they were one of the fortunate ones to have lasted. This is a little thing called Survivorship Bias. But see, most people don't understand things like that. All of the couples who thought they were "in love" when they first met, but then didn't make it... well, we just don't hear from them.
The very concept of love itself is pretty ambiguous in itself.

The idea you can decide someone is your one and only soul mate within seconds is obviously laughable.

In theory “soul mates” exist. There has to be someone that you are most compatible with. Finding them seems highly unlikely though, so people just convince themselves that whoever they settled for is that person and they “knew it from the start”.
Lust without a doubt.
I've never understood why anyone finds the idea of love at first sight to be appealing. Love isn't supposed to be a cheap, instant, disposable experience. If love was something you could experience seeing someone accross a room rather than something that grows why would you even value it? It would just be a numbers game of seeing enough people to find love again.
The potential for love / hard crush at first site

Lust is a Must!

I just don't see how someone can fall in love at someone they don't know. So lust it must be.


I was getting bobs watching the movie Spiderman cartoon. Great times. Love at first sight.<Moves>


The guy by himself drinking beer was pissed off.
Love at first sight is absolutely real it's just super rare. It's like all those cheesy movie scenes. A woman sees a man helping a child or being brave. A man sees a woman doing the same or handling a situation with love and motherly intent. Its seeing the whole package in one perfect moment. It happens for some people.
Love at first sight? Sure! About every Puppy I've ever seen. Far different story with People