*** Power Slap Championship Discussion MEGA THREAD ***Power Slap 9 Thursday October 24@9pm EST

Do you love or hate Power Slap (Fighting)?

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Every time I watch that shit I'm embarrassed for myself but also highly entertained. Those poor bastards are gonna be poster children for CTE though.
What's to watch tho? The 'action' can be seen passing thru IG posts. You get everything you need in seconds.
My Sherbros, that is like Eric Bischoff trying to say WCW wasn't dying after already being bought by the WWF. I don't bring up my family on here but both my kids (who are in BJJ) have watched a few videos and always ask "What the heck are we watching?" That's where the views come from; kids scrolling YouTube and whatever other platform.
LOL, Powerslap will be Dana's downfall... in about 10 years there will be a class action lawsuit against Dana by all the participants with CTE which will put Dana into the poor house.
Find yourself someone who will defend you as vehemently as Dana defends Power Slap.
Does anyone know a single person who actively watches Power Slap? Where TF are all these views coming from? Every single interaction I've had about PS has all been negative.

UFC must be buying views or something, because it's not adding up.
I watch it all di tayum fam 💯🚫🧢🧢
Turp Daddy Slim bigger than Conor, Khabib, Brock Lesnar, and Ronda Rousey combined
Dana has always lied but he's never acted this blatantly delusional before. And no one is buying his crap.

Some of his people are probably flat out lying to him about the numbers. It's the only explanation.

That or he's trying to fool someone into buying the company for way more than it's worth. Like they did with the ufc.
So Dana, would you like to see more fighters become actors and make money ?

Dana: mhmm, listen, there will never be another Conor or Ronda...
Dana white is only popular as he is, because americans are thoroughly embroiled in hero worship, it doesn't matter where your political compass aligns, murka worships presidents, and ceo's to an unrational degree.

Dana is only as tough as your average boxercise instructor.
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So Dana, would you like to see more fighters become actors and make money ?

Dana: mhmm, listen, there will never be another Conor or Ronda...
...but listen, this kid Alan Klingbeil landed a role on fucking Walker Texas Ranger. There's real money in this."


Edit: h8rs prolly reported it so it says the link is "broken". Bet it was a 6ixdogger just click fam
...but listen, this kid Alan Klingbeil landed a role on fucking Walker Texas Ranger"


Edit: h8rs prolly reported it so it says the link is "broken". Bet it was a 6ixdogger just click fam

Dana will come out and say that the ratio of actors that come out of Power Slap is more than all other major sports combined
Don't pretend like you're not going to watch Page Vanzant get KO'd in Power Slap, lol.
Power Slap is a guilty pleasure. I like watching these knuckle heads slap each other

Tim Sylvia might be entering Power Slap. He is the current SFC super heavyweight champion and SFC is the feeder org to Power Slap
