Social Cops Now Using AI Generated Child Images to Lure Potential :eek::eek::eek::eek:s

I don't like the idea of using even AI to create cp. But I have zero issue with ANY method of catching people into it.

:eek::eek::eek::eek:s are the worse, and deserve nothing but bullet in the head after lengthy torture. There's not a single crime worse. The billions of dollars wasted on the war on drugs should be funneled to a war on :eek::eek::eek::eek:s
I'd be suspicious of the guy who's job is to create those images


This took me around 10 seconds.
I don't like the idea of using even AI to create cp. But I have zero issue with ANY method of catching people into it.

:eek::eek::eek::eek:s are the worse, and deserve nothing but bullet in the head after lengthy torture. There's not a single crime worse. The billions of dollars wasted on the war on drugs should be funneled to a war on :eek::eek::eek::eek:s
finally someone who gets it!! how in the fuck this is not THE priority for our country blows my mind. we are utterly destitute because of this. I cannot comprehend it frankly.
The billions of dollars wasted on the war on drugs should be funneled to a war on :eek::eek::eek::eek:s
Militarily arm police forces, go after peons, stay blind to non-peon or agency sellers.
its ai generated and only to attract those already looking for it. I'm not sure I see what law is being broken here.
Only law broken is when congress, gubmint, or law enforcement pervs are found.
how in the fuck this is not THE priority for our country blows my mind.
Selectively free and quietly allowed VS selected and loudly prosecuted peons.

The most guilty people are in positions of power and totally untouchable. Nothing new.
Militarily arm police forces, go after peons, stay blind to non-peon or agency sellers.

Only law broken is when congress, gubmint, or law enforcement pervs are found.

Selectively free and quietly allowed VS selected and loudly prosecuted peons.

The most guilty people are in positions of power and totally untouchable. Nothing new.
I prefer will thought out sentences, even paragraphs. I barely understand the point you are making man.... you should work harder.
Is this anymore entrapment then Shaq posing as a 13 year old girl online to bust :eek::eek::eek::eek:s?
I would/could not do it man.

I don't watch porn but have watched plenty of it in the past. if a girl even looked young i was out man!!! I want nothing to do with that shit at all. I even just started using the term milf to avoid any thumbnails of young girls. I fucking don't want to see that shit ever.

and go ahead and use these tactics on :eek::eek::eek::eek:s. we don't need them on this planet anyway.

Maybe we could put our poison manikins. They’re all flat chested and smooth so maybe the oedis will mistake them for a child
I'd be suspicious of the guy who's job is to create those images
Yeah very sus,

There should be a policy where the dudes making the AI Pron will have a camera or device attached to the penis to make sure they are not getting huge boners.
Yeah very sus,

There should be a policy where the dudes making the AI Pron will have a camera or device attached to the penis to make sure they are not getting huge boners.
They aren't creating ai cp.......

Does nobody read the articles people post ?
But do you really think that you shouldn't use AI because cops might use AI to get off??

Because that's an argument that just makes no sense to me at all and is absurd on its face but you did make it.

You have me confused with someone else.