Chatting with a Virtuous :eek::eek::eek::eek:phile ...

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Black Belt
Mar 19, 2010
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It's amazing how many of these people are out there and how under the radar they go. I don't know exactly how we should deal with these people. It's a pretty tricky subject. I'd lean towards therapy, constant counselling and laws that forbid them from being around children. Perhaps prescribed cartoon CP or something. Once they actually abuse or even attempt to abuse a child all good will goes out the window, imo.
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On the one hand its fucked up they are born like that.

And On the other hand they still deserve to get shot and i have stab on sight policy if hes a known kid hunter.

Complicated stuff
He's literally a roboplegic wrongcock.

They should've called it Chatting with a bullshitting :eek::eek::eek::eek:phile. Is there any man on this planet who hasn't fucked the thing he's most attracted to?
It's actually a really interesting topic. There are people out there that are born attracted to kids, but are morally good people and don't act out on it.

I think these people are just doomed to have a miserable existence.
Lol. Lots of them.

I'm not talking about the freaks and them incels. I'm talking about normal, average guys. When I was growing up goths and older chicks were what turned me on, so naturally that's who I went with. So I'm not buying any of this dude's I just look at them shit. He's a guy. There's no way he's gone his entire life without fucking the thing he's most attracted to.
I'm not talking about the freaks and them incels. I'm talking about normal, average guys. When I was growing up goths and older chicks were what turned me on, so naturally that's who I went with. So I'm not buying any of this dude's I just look at them shit. He's a guy. There's no way he's gone his entire life without fucking the thing he's most attracted to.

What a bizarre opinion.

Also not sure how you can say you are talking about normal, average guys when in fact you are talking about :eek::eek::eek::eek:philes.

There is a huge difference, morally and practically, between being attracted to goth chicks and being attracted to children.
Goddammit, you people come up with some fucked up shit to talk about.

The wannabe kiddie diddler can go to hell.
baby yoda thinks they need to go bye bye.

btw baby yoda is my way of saying what i want to say but through a little green hamster
Always had a feeling Captain Hook was a dirty :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:. All that chasing after kids...
What a bizarre opinion.

Also not sure how you can say you are talking about normal, average guys when in fact you are talking about :eek::eek::eek::eek:philes.

There is a huge difference, morally and practically, between being attracted to goth chicks and being attracted to children.
Have to agree there. I love goth chicks, I don’t love underage kids.

In fact, I should make a goddamn Goth Chick Celebration Thread. The Sherdog view of someone like me, whose scrawny ass weighed like 125 fucking pounds in high school, is that I’d be doomed to live as a lonely incel. But goth chicks love that shit. If you’re a manlet in the goth/industrial scene, you get laid no doubt.
Goth chicks are doing virtuous work, as far as I’m concerned.
But goth chicks love that shit. If you’re a manlet in the goth/industrial scene, you get laid no doubt.
Goth chicks are doing virtuous work, as far as I’m concerned.
They love pegging though, but I foun...hum...I heard from a friend it's not that bad if you let it go.
I beat the shit out of a guy a few years back for following my daughter around a CVS. My daughter told me, and I watched him watching her and following her. I grabbed him, pulled him outside and beat him. Sexual desire is the one we are least likely to control. There needs to be a place for them to be put away from society like the Catholics do with their pervert priests.
It's amazing how many of these people are out there and how under the radar they go. I don't know exactly how we should deal with these people. It's a pretty tricky subject. I'd lean towards therapy, constant counselling and laws that forbid them from being around children. Perhaps prescribed cartoon CP or something. Once they actually abuse or even attempt to abuse a child all good will goes out the window, imo.

First offense as a child molester should get you castrated. Simple as that.
It's actually a really interesting topic. There are people out there that are born attracted to kids, but are morally good people and don't act out on it.

I think these people are just doomed to have a miserable existence.

t does seem like something that's not been properly researched, whether its purely an attraction to kids or based on some kind of desire for power over someone.

Not differentiating between them and actual child abusers though is likely not helpful and probably helps to make sure more of them become the latter.
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