bulking diet


Jul 1, 2007
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Hello. I've been lifting for almost a year now. Lately I've been lazy about my diet and haven't seen any weight gains really for a while. I don't eat clean, and my calories are between 2500-3500 a day with minimum 180grams of protein, usually over 200. I'm 5'9 i wake up at 180 and go to sleep at 185. My lifts are going up pretty slow lately. I'm thinking my diet needs some work. Right now my big three are bench 275 (no pun intended), dead 455, squat 335 (90 degrees). I don't care about eating clean right now I'm probably at about 15% body fat. Starting next month I decided im going to kill myself at the gym. And eat as much as I can. So what I wanted from you guys is some suggestions on some cheap calorie rich bulking meals that worked for you in the past. I'm going for 5000 calories a day for 45 days and see what happens. I tried 4000 a while back and got never got past 190 bloated full of food and water.
Dry beans from the bulk store and canola oil have to be some of the highest cal/$ foods. Bon apetite.
shakes and lots of chef boyardee have always worked pretty well for me
u could always just get a cheap old school gainer like muscle juice, or mammoth 2500. if i remember correctly MJ has 60g of sugar in each serving which is a lot, but its like 3 bucks for almost a 1000 cals. chances are u'll put on some extra fat with either one of these things.
These are your friends.....

Whole milk (drink it with every meal)
Corned Beef Hash
Peanut butter (Along with almonds, peanuts, cashews etc..)
Eggs (eat few soft boiled eggs with every meal)
Olive oil
Ground beef (Ground beef, nuff said.)
Chicken thighs (I love these...)
Protein powder (You should go through this like a hot knife through butter...)
Whole milk. Ramen noodles are cheap calories. Get the 70/30 beef, or whatever the fattiest shit you can find at costco is. Get kraft mac and cheese (not easy mac) and eat a box at a time. Add extra butter. Buy chicken thighs in bulk, and if you're paying more than 99 cents per pound before tax, you're getting ripped off.
last three posts are good ideas. thanks guys. time to put on 10lbs. how you guys cooking the chicken thighs? i usually just buy chicken breasts boil them and eat them with salt and pepper but thats sooo dry and boring.
Grill, or fry your meats. If you find your meat bland, try montreal steak seasoning, that shit makes anything taste great.

Get fatty, juicy cuts of beef and lovingly wolf them down ravenously.

Eat tons of nuts, eat oats, etc.

Rest will also be a factor, make sure you get enough.
Reduce your cardio as well. How many days a week are you training? When was the last time you deloaded? When was the last time you switched up your workout? I found that in making my shakes if I go 2/3 whole milk and 1/3 heavy whipping cream helps me out in bulking phases but the shakes are actually good tasting.
Reduce your cardio as well. How many days a week are you training? When was the last time you deloaded? When was the last time you switched up your workout? I found that in making my shakes if I go 2/3 whole milk and 1/3 heavy whipping cream helps me out in bulking phases but the shakes are actually good tasting.

i lift atleast five days a week sometimes seven. i don't do any cardio other than a mile here and there on the treadmill, ride my bike to the gym, and rigorous sex, nothing too significant. I'm actually deloading right now since last week through the end of this week, been doing lower weight higher reps. So i figure going back to my 5x5's will be a good switch. I get my 8hrs every night. Figuring i'll coincide my heavy low rep routine with the start of my bulking. Ya i've been using whole milk on my shakes. I'm going to do three shakes a day instead of two. with 50 grams of whey in each one. And get another 150gs of protein from whole foods, right now im only getting 100. Then im going to have to quadruple my carbs, i don't eat that many carbs right now probably 50gs a day.

im too lazy to type out all my lifts reps and weight, but i do it in this order, heres the jist.

sun squats 5x5, leg press, calf raises

mon bench 5x5, incline bench, butterflies, dips, tricep isolation (gasp)

tues deadlifts 5x5, rows, curls (gasp)

wed overhead press 5x5, power cleans, dumbbell shoulder press, rotator cup work

thurs - same as sun

fri - same as mon

sat - pullups, rows, bar bell rows, seated rows, curls
i lift atleast five days a week sometimes seven. i don't do any cardio other than a mile here and there on the treadmill, ride my bike to the gym, and rigorous sex, nothing too significant. I'm actually deloading right now since last week through the end of this week, been doing lower weight higher reps. So i figure going back to my 5x5's will be a good switch. I get my 8hrs every night. Figuring i'll coincide my heavy low rep routine with the start of my bulking. Ya i've been using whole milk on my shakes. I'm going to do three shakes a day instead of two. with 50 grams of whey in each one. And get another 150gs of protein from whole foods, right now im only getting 100. Then im going to have to quadruple my carbs, i don't eat that many carbs right now probably 50gs a day.

im too lazy to type out all my lifts reps and weight, but i do it in this order, heres the jist.

sun squats 5x5, leg press, calf raises

mon bench 5x5, incline bench, butterflies, dips, tricep isolation (gasp)

tues deadlifts 5x5, rows, curls (gasp)

wed overhead press 5x5, power cleans, dumbbell shoulder press, rotator cup work

thurs - same as sun

fri - same as mon

sat - pullups, rows, bar bell rows, seated rows, curls

Dude seriously consider reducing it to 4 workouts a week like tues - thurs -sat -sun. I would venture to say you're almost to the point of overtraining. If you are truly going heavy your body needs the rest. I too used to be of the workout 6 days a week and was a hard convert and when I did it was the best workout choice I've made. And I'm not a nutrition guru, your body can only absorb so much protein per sitting (I think it's between 23 and 27 grams per 90 minutes) so save yourself some money and time on the crapper and cut the shakes in half and spread them out through out the day. And the rigorous sex phase will pass too my son, you will come to a point where having a sandwhich sounds just as good or the searing back pumps you get don't even make worth your while to be that acrobatic. sad but true.
I agree. That's definitely overkill. You need to rest to grow
Dude seriously consider reducing it to 4 workouts a week like tues - thurs -sat -sun. I would venture to say you're almost to the point of overtraining. If you are truly going heavy your body needs the rest. I too used to be of the workout 6 days a week and was a hard convert and when I did it was the best workout choice I've made. And I'm not a nutrition guru, your body can only absorb so much protein per sitting (I think it's between 23 and 27 grams per 90 minutes) so save yourself some money and time on the crapper and cut the shakes in half and spread them out through out the day. And the rigorous sex phase will pass too my son, you will come to a point where having a sandwhich sounds just as good or the searing back pumps you get don't even make worth your while to be that acrobatic. sad but true.

actually I'm pretty sure this protein absorption limit thing is completely false and has been debunked here before.
actually I'm pretty sure this protein absorption limit thing is completely false and has been debunked here before.

Probably has, but I figure if I wait long enough it will come back in style, and I'll be right. I can't wait for carbs to be back in fashion cause then I'll totally have rippling quads.

Ronin is 0352 part of your sig mean anything particular like maybe "TOW gunner"?
actually I'm pretty sure this protein absorption limit thing is completely false and has been debunked here before.

has it? although the number varies greatly depending on the individual I was under the impression that you can still only absorb a limited amount of protein per sitting (I wonder if it could be broken down to protein absorbed per hour or PAPH...trademark pending).

To the original poster. As some folks have already mentioned. Perhaps you are just a bit overtrained.

Personally, after quite a long time of doing the Bill Starr, I switched to Westside and have made very satisfactory gains.