Of course but I tend to trash bags quickly or something every bag I have used has had issues with either zippers, stitching or were just too small. I need something of quality and assumed a military style bag has both capacity and quality.Here's how a man pick a bag.
see bag, put things in it. Take it with you.
How could that thing ripping possibly be any more embarrassing than using it is a haversack in general?Used to take one of these bad boys to school and now I take one to work and the gym.
Sometimes gotta double bag it though incase it splits and your gym shit goes everywhere which is embarrassing, not that it happened to me but it did to a mate.
Are you asking if i'm poor?How could that thing ripping possibly be any more embarrassing than using it is a haversack in general?
Jigga you sound, look and smell poor.
If you have the $ then get the Battlepack ProYou guys are so helpful!
TS if you really wanted to you could go to amazon, walmart.com, or even youtube to see actual reviews of backpacks.
Here's one TS. The Mike Dolce Backpack. It costs $150. You put your dirty underwear and socks inside of it. Have fun.