Almost forgot how jacked Brock was for the Hunt “fight”

That fight was total bullshit and I'm glad it was a forgettable one.

Hunt fought clean and had to fuckin fight that? That shit's so unfair lol

“I don’t think that’s fair. I think it’s load of bulls***, I think it’s rubbish. I don’t think anyone should be exempt from testing. If they’re trying to clean the sport up — mixed martial arts — this is a bad way to do it. I don’t care who you are. It’s ridiculous. I don’t think it’s a great move. I think he’s juiced to the gills — and I still think I’m going to knock him out. So I don’t think that’s correct. I don’t think he should be allowed to get a four-month exemption otherwise everyone else should. Otherwise I should start juicing. How are you going to clean the sport up doing that s***? It won’t happen. I don’t think it’s fair.”

“He’ll probably be super strong being juiced to the gills but it doesn’t mean anything, man. I’m ready for anything he has.”
I've seen some clips of old Brock fights on FB recently and I was actually kind of surprised at how flabby he looked in his earlier fights against couture and murr.

He looked his worst against Reem


Sharpest nips in the business
Beat Hunt in the striking too, 2nd round was all standup only and Brock landed more shots, he was too fast for Hunt, 1st and 3rd rounds he just took Hunt down and gave him a ass whooping, but 2nd round was standup and Brock won it. Wish he could have continued to fight Ngannou and Stipe and the likes
It's almost as if he was cheating!
Lesnar knows what hunts ass taste like
As the great Sean Paul said, “Legalize it, time to recognize it.”
He's a white boy and jacked. Deal with it
The best thing about Lesnar is that he somehow has decent cardio when he's that jacked. Normally guys that big, you just last like 1 round and then you have the upper hand. Brock's a 300 lb wrecking ball coming at you for up to 5 rounds.. how do you deal with that.
The best thing about Lesnar is that he somehow has decent cardio when he's that jacked. Normally guys that big, you just last like 1 round and then you have the upper hand. Brock's a 300 lb wrecking ball coming at you for up to 5 rounds.. how do you deal with that.
Roids or not he is an absolute freak of nature

Brock said it himself. He has the body of a black man. And he will eat a burrito for your Mexican heritage.
Yeah he was on all the roids

It's crazy a washed up war torn Hunt with more miles in combat sports than maybe anyone currently at it still took a round in that fight and Bork couldn't finish him