News Jorge drops another golden quote on Conor

more like a wild hyenna and domesticated tiger. Conor is better than Masvidal.
Prime for prime. Not even close. But for whatever reason, when Masvidal moved up, his speed stayed in tact but he got more power. I mean, what the fudge
more like a wild hyenna and domesticated tiger. Conor is better than Masvidal.
Prime for prime. Not even close. But for whatever reason, when Masvidal moved up, his speed stayed in tact but he got more power. I mean, what the fudge
Fuck off.

Colon is younger than Masvidal.

Conman will still want to fight 135 pound Frankie next
Conor wins at 155, Jorge wins at 170.
Lol nah, Conor get onblitareted wherever, maybe at 145 if Jorge is dying from dehydration, then Conor would maybe have a chance to win
Would be an awesome fight but Conor will murder Jorge in the trash talk build up if it happens
Fighters with 13 losses shouldn’t be allowed to give interviews