Your thoughts on this

Well put. I've been moved to physical disgust by reading posts on social media by my family members about "cutting out toxic people" from their lives, establishing severe boundaries for people labelled "narcisist" and other such celebrations of absolute selfishness. I've known the people they are talking about and what seems to really be happening is that when people are in need and express less-than-ideal behaviors because of this need, or even just outright ask for help, then people will not only refuse to help them, they'll actually characterize their refusals to help someone in need as some kind of virtue. Like they've FINALLY stood up for themselves... because they've shut out their grieving aunt or brother with severe depression. That's not a win, you're just being a cunt and then not only not admitting your cuntiness, you're trying to actually celebrate it.
I would add that the younger generation and some social media/msm addicted adults have been brainwashed that you can only maintain a friendship with people who agree on things politically.

I grew up when people could disagree and move past it no big deal. Even discuss and share perspective. That civil discourse is all but gone in current society.
It's her choice that she wanted to leave him (it's possible she would have left him even if he didn't have cancer), but she didn't have to announce to the world...Fuck her.
Surely that's just rage porn, no? Glorifying abandoning your partner because their cancer is inconvenient for your mental health?