Y'all really have no clue who Bendrick Mortonson is, do you?


Good Times
Jun 13, 2015
Reaction score
Neither do I, I made him up.

Stop making thread titles like this people it's annoying
Bendrick Mortonson would destroy John Wick, Ethan Hunt and Dr Alan Grant in 1 night.
Happy Easter buddeh!

Woot woot it is easter

I should stop getting annoyed by everything :p

My Sister in Law made me a cupcake with chocolate frosting and mini-eggs on it
Woot woot it is easter

I should stop getting annoyed by everything :p

My Sister in Law made me a cupcake with chocolate frosting and mini-eggs on it
Beautiful, now that's living large in my book!
Of course I do I've been watching him for years! Saw him knock out Jude Barclay in the Kodinsy Community Center at Fighter Fighting Championships 3 and been a fan ever since! I knew right then he'd be the next Anderson Silva.
Ha ha ha great thread was going to come in here with a quip about how I don't fucking know who he is and to tell you to stop being an mma hipster, you got me!
Ha ha ha great thread was going to come in here with a quip about how I don't fucking know who he is and to tell you to stop being an mma hipster, you got me!

Would have been great if you did like so many people who don't read the first post and reply based on thread title alone on here
Bendrick has a win over Andy Wang, and then a loss to Ben Askren. So Bendrick is regularly used as an example in the worldwide MMA forum of how legit Ben Askren is.
BenMo will be open weight champ in 2018. That split loss to Cozad was a joke.
Let's not pretend for a second that the OP isn't salty cause the beta manlet cucks who support post USADA David McHindland know he'd knock out Bendrick.
Neither do I, I made him up.

Stop making thread titles like this people it's annoying
I was coming in here to drop the "who" gif and say some rude shit. Good one.

BTW: I met him at the airport yesterday
Future goat, although I wan't to see his endurance tested a bit more