Yair Rodriguez > Conor McGregor

the guy is a stud. conor would have no chance striking with this guy. 1st round ko by yair

If you put the name "Conor" and "no chance striking" in the same sentence than you clearly haven't a clue what you're talking about.
Just posted in another thread about this; while the kid is a stud, his style leaves countless openings for a competent counter striker like Conor to exploit. Not that BJ isn't competent but just doesn't have the speed anymore. It's possible Yair was being more open with BJ because he knew he had him and that's why he looked so vulnerable, he may be more conservative with better strikers but Conor is powerful and precise especially with wild swingers (ala Alvarez). I think it would be a 2-3 round win for McGregor
Yair has great kicks and offense. He leaves himself open for head shots -- Conor KOs early as I don't think his chin is that great either.

To beat Conor at 145 or 155 you need either a great chin n gas tank , be long n tall, or have a great ground game.
Don't get ahead of yourself. He leaves a lot of openings. Just because he beat up a guy who shouldn't have been fighting at all anymore... doesn't mean he'd beat Conor.

What this guy said plus the fact that Bruce Leroy turned it into a 3rnd contest not too long ago

I know MMA math is very inaccurate but Conor could flatten Alex and that BJ inside 5min