xolent234's attempt at getting fitter


White Belt
Aug 11, 2010
Reaction score
Hi there!

Just a bit of the "specs" of myself

175cm tall, 73kg, and a good (really rough estimate using my eyes) 15-20% body fat

wouldn't say i'm fit but i'm a lot better shape (cardiovascular wise) than i was a year ago...a LOT better.

I think the amount of roadwork I did from a year ago till now....amounted to the distance i walked in my entire life prior :icon_lol:

i WAS 78kg before that, i then dropped down to 70kg and because of the amount of running and just doing muay thai, my body some how burnt all my muscles and water weight (i think i created a topic on this when i joined), my fat was still retained, particularly my gut!

So that's what brings me here, my "take two", still doing what i love, maintaining good cardio, doing muay thai and mild weight lifting to ensure i don't look too scrawny and maintain my muscles.

My plan will be as follows:

Monday - Muay Thai after work (pad work and hitting bags)
Tuesday - Gym --Shoulders and abs (will try to incorporate deadlift and squates---got noone to critique me though =/)
Wednesday - Muay Thai & 5k road
Thursday - Rest (have uni)
Friday - Muay Thai
Saturday - Muay Thai & Gym (back and abs)
Sunday - Gym (chest) and 5k road/Perhaps sprints

Diet will follow soon but I'm trying to tailor my regime for muay thai, i really want to get into deadlifts and squats but i don't really know how to or have someone to show me yet....however i'll be training a lot of my abs (rotational movement) and hopefully my calves and "explosiveness".

I've got no idea but i like the idea of doing calve raises...i think i've had moderate sucess with it already as i've done a lot of high rep calve raises and that's helped me with lasting longer with continuously throwing kicks on command when doing pad work!

alongside with all of this, i've got work and uni...it's crazy as my schedule at the moment is 5am wake ups for work (i do civil eng) mon-fri, still have uni classes during the day however my hours still equate to something like 40hours a week (and that's not being at work "full time")

all critique is welcome!
Monday 21/03/11

Sparred today, didn't do too well, but happy enough for my first time in a long time.

I realised I needed to use the teep more effectively. Got knocked down a couple of times with the partner's teep, he really likes to get it up there, part of me was scared because the first few hit me quite hard. Next time I'll just brace myself and suck it up when I'm going in.

I'll also need to catch that frichen teep or move it out of the way, it really bothered me.

I felt like an idiot because he had to stop and say "hey it's technique yeah?" to remind me. He said that after I grabbed right round kick and swung a hard right onto the body--which i found fair--apparently not. Was just trying to let him know those high kicks he kept on throwing weren't going anywhere (though if it caught me off guard it would seriously huuuurt!)--now after typing that maybe it wasn't necessary, but then again i'd rather hit him there enough for him to "feel it" rather than him in the head!

Summary of what I need to improve on for now:

-I really should try and do combo's and end it with a teep
-Maybe going towards the full muay thai stance with the tapping of the foreleg will enable kicks to the front leg less telegraphic
-circling out of his rear leg kicks and coming back
-sucking up damage as i come in no matter what!