Would you give up 10 years of your lifespan.. 20 will be added to parents


Holy Paladin
May 7, 2008
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Hurry up with your answers. The Wizard™ is at my house and I can only keep him here for so long before he gets bored and drives home.

Would you give up 10 years of your lifespan if it meant your parents will each get 20 years added to theirs?

If they're already dead, then the clock will rewind, everything will be redone and they'll get the average lifespan of the country they are living in plus 20 years. They would have been alive all this time.

For your troubles, a pornographic beauty

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i'll just hang around in here in case there are more gifs n shit
Not a chance. They had their time. And i would not want my children doing it for me either.
that's a great question. i'd really consider it. i live pretty healthy, and i'm going to live for a long time. if i weren't so close to my parents, maybe i wouldn't. right now, i'm 50/50 on that.
Pretty hard to pass up a 4:1 return on years for your family. Provided it's not a Tithonus situation and they actually want those years.
How about if hteyve already been dead for 20 years, do I start from today, so they get one day?
If they're already dead, then the clock will rewind, everything will be redone and they'll get the average lifespan plus 20 years. They would have been alive all this time.

Hurry up with your answers. The Wizard™ is at my house and I can only keep him here for so long before he gets bored and drives home.
that's a great question. i'd really consider it. i live pretty healthy, and i'm going to live for a long time. if i weren't so close to my parents, maybe i wouldn't. right now, i'm 50/50 on that.
I was thinking along the lines of 10 years off of whenever you would have died in general, not best case scenario. Like in 11 years a car hits me, and underground I go. Maybe if there was some sort of way of knowing i would have lived to 100 or something. 90 years would be fine. Though I imagine some messed up monkey's paw crap would happen, and i would die the next day....
If they are good years yes.

If they are years of being senile and shiting in a diaper, no.
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lol no... death is not such a big deal man....you can die tomorrow for all you know, same as my parents.... it happens when it happens, why dwell on it... be happy today thats all you have....same for myself, for my parents and for everyfuckingbody
If they are good years yes.

If they are years of being senior and shiting in a diaper, no.

This. My dad died of lung cancer so I wouldn't wish him one more day with the disease. But 20 years cancer-free? Hell yeah. But I'd let him know he owed me tribute for bringing him back and curing his cancer, say $3k/month. Mom, absolutely, 20 more years provided she lives with my sister. Would be worth it just to see my sister's face when she got the news.
In a heart beat.
Nah, everyone that lived a full life gets their time. Now, if you asked would I give up 10 years of my life add 20 to my son's life, assuming his medical condition would be cured to achieve it, then without question, yes.
Healthy years in mind and body - yep. Do I know when I'm dying - ie 84 down to 74 or was I going to die at 50 and now only got months?
Oddly enough, yea. They weren't even in my life much growing up (raised by grandmother), but they are the grandparents of my nieces and nephews and I know they would enjoy them around. As for me, I'm just a leaf blowing in the wind, will probably not have kids, and honestly, already find life kinda boring haha.
What if you have less than 10 years to live? Do you just drop dead?

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