Would you date a lawyer?

and maybe even have taxpayers shell out for the champagne when we cabin fuckin'
Actually I would because I ran in to my law teacher from high school almost a decade after high-school and he was shocked that I never went to law school and never became a lawyer. Same with the high school counciler. But my grades were bad outside law class.

But yeah they mentioned that law class allowed me to be really expressive and good at being a smart-ass. Chicks were super cool in class.

Also she could be a lawyer for building permits or business or entertainment lawyer. Not every female lawyer is going to be some angry man hating divorce lawyer which seems to be the stereotype. I am sure lot of them are decent human beings. @Law Talkin’ Guy is a good dude and he can confirm it.
I have. A Criminal defense attorney. She was hot, good in the sack and very intelligent. Also, a disaster in her personal life. No way would I marry a lawyer.
Real estate lawyer / consultant here. I was just about to ask OP what type of law she does. It appears everyone ITT thinks lawyers are all one thing and stereotype.
True. I think less than 10% of all attorneys are actually litigators but that's who people think of when they hear the term lawyer. It's unfair that all lawyers get thought of like they see litigators portrayed in tv, movies and reality. I almost went to law school after college but changed my mind. In retrospect I wish I had gone. Oh well. Life is full of decisions.
It depends is she criminal lawyer or other.
Hitwoman or any kind of criminal. Also cant work at the docks.
True. I think less than 10% of all attorneys are actually litigators but that's who people think of when they hear the term lawyer. It's unfair that all lawyers get thought of like they see litigators portrayed in tv, movies and reality. I almost went to law school after college but changed my mind. In retrospect I wish I had gone. Oh well. Life is full of decisions.
I think one of the big arguments for not dating a lawyer is “how busy they might be” and that they prioritize work over personal life. I wanted to become a veterinarian at first. I did poorly (lack of focus) and ended up in the military. I went back to school after that with more focus and discipline ended up doing well. I got my law degree and then 10 years later got a MRED (masters in real estate development). I wanted to get into patent law at first. I ended up getting a job doing mortgages and met people that would ultimately influence me there. It’s never too late to do ANYTHING imo.
Yeah, I already have. We got on great for the years we were together. We were both studying difficult/dense subjects that required a lot of prep for exams and so on, but we always made time for each other and even stayed together for 1.5 years. In the end it didn't work because she moved back home- life. We still keep in contact and she visits my city on the occasion where we meet up. I sometimes wonder where we'd be if we hadn't split.
I'm actually with one - financial services/insurance related lawyer :rolleyes: nothing to complain though
This is something that I've been thinking of myself. I wouldn't want to date an actor because it would be hard to trust someone that can pretend so well....but then again you can't control who you fall for.
Salespeople are the worst.

They cultivate fake charisma, make fake promises and compliments, all so they can manipulate people into doing things against their will, for profit. They accumulate rebuttals and tactics to deal with any objections they ever encounter.

In relationships, they can’t help but use those same tools to increasingly get whatever they want out of it, tactfully and convincingly enough that the partner doesn’t realize it until it’s too late. Often times the partner will even be so convinced by the sales tactics, that they will even argue with outsiders that see something wrong, using the same rebuttals that were used on them.

They are like actors and lawyers combined.

Salespeople are the scourge of the Earth.
I work with a lot of lawyers. They're all pretty ego driven and know it all. So probably not. One lawyer i know has been trying to find a girlfriend since I've known him, which would be like 10 years. Not a bad looking guy, has money, he's just so fucking annoying that he can't get past first dates. A good portion of the female ones I know are badge bunnies and try to make a run at us all the time.
Nope. Not for me. I'm friends wirh a guy who is a trained lawyer and he is now difficult to talk to. He takes stands on subjects just to debate you and everything is an argument or a point of language or definition.
I think JP would describe him as 'low in agreeability'.

Talking to him is no longer enjoyable at times, unless I steer the conversation in certain directions.

He once replied to a text I sent with a 3 page tl/dr reply of intellectual babble not suited to the subject or level of conversation we were having.

Plus he believes in the system and that it's working etc.

I could imagine that being with a woman who is trained in and enjoys debating and possibly has oscillating morality would be unenjoyable.
You see her billboards everywhere?

That's rough.

It’s like she’s haunting you, but in a really high-def, backlit way.

Professions I wouldn't date?

I'd stay away from dating a mime. I don't need somebody pretending to be trapped in an invisible box while visiting my parents.

I wouldn't date a food critic because I'm just trying to enjoy a burger, but they want a discussion about the ketchup-to-mustard ratio.

I definitely wouldn't date a professional wrestler.

Or anyone into extreme couponing. You'd be on a date, and they'd pull out a binder the size of a dictionary just to save 25 cents on a slice of cheese.

I wouldn't date a fortune-teller because they're all pieces of shit by default.

I'd also avoid dating someone who sells timeshares.

And probably a few more, but that's all I can think of at the moment.

Oh, and I would only date a lawyer if she looked like Sela Ward circa 2005.
Plus juan on Sela Ward. She was prime
Surely not all lawyers are slimy shit characters.
Yea, the wife has a degree in Law although she chose not to practice. She preferred to come to the UK and work here in an unrelated field. If she'd decided to practice she never would have met me !
I dated a lawyer in college. She was totally into being dominated. That kind of never was my thing, but I powered through it because she was hot. She used to wear thigh highs and garters, which will always hold a special place in my memory.