Would you break up with your SO over who he/she votes for?

People could vote Trump as a form of protest against the establishment, if i were American i would certainly vote Trumo over Hillary, as a form of protest.

Yeah, let's protest against the establishment by voting for the anti-union billionaire who is promising massive tax cuts for the rich. That'll show'em.
Not at all. Did you marry based on political beliefs or because you loved each other?

It's not so much about who someone votes for, but what it tells about you as a person. If my wife suddenly would start giving her vote to the Nazi party, I surely would have to reconsider my views about her.

Hmm at first I was saying hell no but yea if someone like the Nazi party came around I'd have to rethink the relationship.
Yeah, let's protest against the establishment by voting for the anti-union billionaire who is promising massive tax cuts for the rich. That'll show'em.

If it was that simple republicans wouldnt be trying so hard to sabotage Trump.
The political candidate doesn't matter so much as a clash of ideology. A sex-positive liberal atheist going out with a far right wing religious conservative who hates orgasms won't work out. Presumably you'd find out in the early stages of dating though.
Usually it's a pick your poison kind of thing that I wouldn't mind no matter who they chose, but I really couldn't respect a girl that supports Donald Trump. It shows a real lack of critical thinking skills as well as close mindedness that just isn't attractive. There's nothing he truly has other than he's rich and is therefore fit for the role, and I just have a serious problem with that mentality. He lies so often, I would have to question her integrity as well. Not to mention I would have to wonder if she's xenophobic or racist too.
I can see what you're saying but at the same time there are a lot of voters who don't really follow politics closely and who are fed up with what they view as the establishment. A vote for Trump is an anti-establishment, protest vote. Its sort of the same sort of thinking you see in place like Egypt where people voted for the Muslim Brotherhood.

So personally I would only consider it a truly poor reflection if that person claimed to follow politics closely and analyze things. If they don't and they have other intellectual/creative pursuits that take up up more of their time other than politics I could be a lot more forgiving of the lazy thinking.

I wouldn't break up with a girl over that but admittedly I'm a thirsty guy. Still, I'd like to think I wouldn't regardless of that, I try not to let politics get in the way of my personal relationships. I love a good back and forth over politics but I have a few friends I can reliably argue with without worrying about it hurting or relationship.
Break up with? Shit, if our votes cancelled out we could both just skip going to the polls.
If it was that simple republicans wouldnt be trying so hard to sabotage Trump.

What's not simple? If someone dislikes the establishment and chooses to register that by voting for a super rich guy who wants to drastically cut taxes on the rich, I think he's making a big mistake.
Not at all. She is entitled to believe what she wants, just as long as it doesn't cause massive friction in the house. But that goes both ways. I don't shove my beliefs down her throat when I know she disagrees.
What's not simple? If someone dislikes the establishment and chooses to register that by voting for a super rich guy who wants to drastically cut taxes on the rich, I think he's making a big mistake.

Or he is voting for the worst candidate possible in a game of chicken with the establishment.

Similar to the instance where democrats allowed republicans to pass a budget plan that would had amounted to political suicide, that republicans only put forward to make democrats seem as the party of irresponsible spending.

it's pretty ironic actually. the suffragettes fought so both husband and wife could have a vote. now these bitches are trying to use ultimatums to force their boyfriend, fiances and husbands to not vote the way they want. essentially giving two votes tot he woman. very feminist of them.
Or he is voting for the worst candidate possible in a game of chicken with the establishment.

But Trump would have a Republican Congress, who would be more than happy to pass a lot of his agenda--particularly the extremely pro-establishment aspects of it. So that would be a ... not good way to fight the power.
Usually it's a pick your poison kind of thing that I wouldn't mind no matter who they chose, but I really couldn't respect a girl that supports Donald Trump. It shows a real lack of critical thinking skills as well as close mindedness that just isn't attractive. There's nothing he truly has other than he's rich and is therefore fit for the role, and I just have a serious problem with that mentality. He lies so often, I would have to question her integrity as well. Not to mention I would have to wonder if she's xenophobic or racist too.

This in addition to a Bernie Sanders supporter, and for the same reasons. A lack of critical thinking skills if not a lack of moral fiber.
Yeah, let's protest against the establishment by voting for the anti-union billionaire who is promising massive tax cuts for the rich. That'll show'em.
Protest votes aren't always rational.
Protest votes aren't always rational.

Do they always appear deliberately calculated to produce the exact opposite of their intended effect? Voting Trump to protest the establishment seems more "anti-rational" than irrational.
Do they always appear deliberately calculated to produce the exact opposite of their intended effect? Voting Trump to protest the establishment seems more "anti-rational" than irrational.
Not always but probably at times yeah.
Whatever happened to the agree to disagree attitude? There are a variety of issues I don't see eye to eye with my loved ones on. It's all good. As long there's respect, tolerance and understanding it's a good thing not agreeing with others.

Screw the need to be right. Pursuing understanding is where it's at.
It's funny how politics are so personal to so many people.