Would Joe Rogan be as good...


Double Yellow Card
Jun 24, 2016
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if he didn't juice? Don't get me wrong, love all of Rogan's work, his comedy, his commentary, his pioneerism, his podcast. You know this 50+ juices (I would too), but would he carry the same quality of product if he didn't? An interesting thought. Juice could bring results, which brings confidence, maybe overconvidence, which brings $$, which brings more confidence. Thoughts?

Also, WarRogan
Interesting point. I'd say it's logical. Him being ripped not only gives him confidence, but probably earns him more respect.
I wouldn't know about the steroids, but I'm pretty sure his podcast and his comedy would most definitely not be the same if it wasn't for all the marijuana he smokes.
I'm sure it plays an effect, especially with testosterone and energy.

This must've been years ago, but I remember reading something (an article maybe) about regular employees using steroids to improve performance at office jobs (IE: bankers, salespeople, etc) as a confidence-building boost.
I wouldn't know about the steroids, but I'm pretty sure his podcast and his comedy would most definitely not be the same if it wasn't for all the marijuana he smokes.
I recommend you try smoking marijuana. It's amazing.
Well he's got the knowledge in his brain, can his body sync up and go along with it....well...enough to beat cm punk, yes lmao
Joe wouldn't be as good if he didn't smoke DMT and do mushrooms more than him being on TRT to get his levels up.