Would Christianity be as popular if Jesus was portrayed as Arabic?

Lol, what? Black people are basically the most religious people in the nation, which is still all sort of fucking confusing to me.


Like, it's actually a problem that I think needs to have something done about it. Dude, T.D. Jakes built The Potter's House and that church is fucking crazy.



These are christians. I don't think the mainstream portrayal of Jesus has dissuaded them any.

Since white people are racist they would reject Jesus and then Christianity wouldn't be as popular "as it is".

I think a valid question to follow is: would Islam be as welcomed with open arms by the left if it's practitioners were of European stock?

Full disclosure: I have no use for any of the desert religions, but turnabout is fair play.
The only Jesus black people have ever known is a white Jesus, and blacks are some of the most hardcore religious Christians in the world. So this is an incredibly stupid question.

Have you ever been to a black church?? You would hate it if you've only known a white church. Their church services go all damn day. I went to a black church service a few times and it was ridiculously long compared to a white church. I must say though, their worship services are unlike anybody else's in the world. Black christians truly know how to worship God like no other.

So why would Christianity not be as popular as it is if Jesus was black? Wouldn't it become more popular around the world?
If white people always knew Jesus was black why would they continue to believe in him and spread his word?

Was there a time when white people weren't racist?
I don't think it could have gone any differently than it did.

Certain artists depicted a particular image of him and it stuck.
Didn't they say that this is what he most likely would have looked like


This is what the best scientific estimate came up with. Imagine a movie with a guy that looked like that, and speaking passionately in Aramaic. That same guy rolling around the city surrounded by the dregs of society like whores, and lepers. Then a scene with him knocking over the tables of some crooked money changers. And of course a soundtrack with the instruments and music of the time, instead of European music. Most christians would be shocked, and call it blasphemy.
So why would Christianity not be as popular as it is if Jesus was black? Wouldn't it become more popular around the world?

I already answered this question in my first post ITT.

Well seeing as Jesus was middle eastern and the bible described him as being dark complected(feet of brass as if burned in a furnace/hair like that of wool etc.etc.) It's sad that he is not universally portrayed as he was described and according to his heritage.

To answer your question, i absolutely do not believe it would be as popular if his image had not been changed to that of a white man during the colonial era when Christianity was first being spread worldwide. They had to change his image to look like that of the men who had come into your lands and forced the religion on you for it to make any sense.

Imagine white colonists trying to impress the idea of a dark skinned god onto a bunch of dark people. You think the colonists would have been able to assert the power and influence they did on natives all over the world if not for this new white god they brought with them? No the natives would have either rejected this dark god, since they already had their own dark gods, or rejected the idea of white supremacy since the whites had a dark god.
why wouldn't Jesus look like Jewish man looks like now

Which Jews? The Lemba? The Arab Jews? The European Jews?

Black Jesus healing at the pool - from the catacombs in Rome:


Arabic Jesus - from the catacombs in Rome:

I already answered this question in my first post ITT.

So at what point in time do you think Jesus turned from black to white to impress dark skinned people? Also how was this secret hidden so well?
Jesus was a Levantine man who was described as having pale skin by Levantine standards. 90% of depictions of Jesus I see are consistent with that, but ya its dumb when they show him with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Weren't Nazarites supposed to be darker than the other Jews? Lamentations suggest they are.
Which Jews? The Lemba? The Arab Jews? The European Jews?

Black Jesus healing at the pool - from the catacombs in Rome:


Arabic Jesus - from the catacombs in Rome:


Are these the earliest? Also how sure are you the first one is a black guy? No offense but that's a terrible drawing,
There's a really easy explanation as to why nobody can agree as to what Jesus looked like. Crazy thing is every version has the exact same amount of truth to it... None
Weren't Nazarites supposed to be darker than the other Jews? Lamentations suggest they are.

Its in the north of Judeo-Palestine so I would imagine no, but they very well could have been. I wouldn't assign too much significance to city-to-city phenotypical variation though, especially in a region as small as Judeo-Palestine.
He is portrayed as Arabic. I think that he doesn't represent me at all and he does not protect the European people. Let the crucifix be a reminder of defeat.
There's a really easy explanation as to why nobody can agree as to what Jesus looked like. Crazy thing is every version has the exact same amount of truth to it... None

This guy gets it.

As to the OP, of course not. Jesus is the defacto god of the white man.
Are these the earliest? Also how sure are you the first one is a black guy? No offense but that's a terrible drawing,

Certainly some of the earliest. There are many more in the tombs and in museums in Rome.

The archaeologist say it's black. btw- I was wrong about where that one came from, that was actually in an abandoned Syrian church and dated to early 3rd century.

None taken, but it is 1800 yrs old.

This is the one from the Catacombs

Its in the north of Judeo-Palestine so I would imagine no, but they very well could have been. I wouldn't assign too much significance to city-to-city phenotypical variation though, especially in a region as small as Judeo-Palestine.

It's more about Tribal differences. There were black Jews, Arab Jews, White Jews - but at this time they mostly married within their own tribe at that time.

I know Solomon married Rahab, but for the most part all of Jesus' ancestors would have been from the same tribe so if they were darker or lighter or more arab one would assume that he was as well.