International World Bank: % of people using basic santitation service (by country)


Plutonium Belt
Apr 9, 2007
Reaction score
Figures are from 2020 survey. Don't know how they judged what is/is not "basic sanitation"

Many of the lowest % are in Sub Saharan Africa, with Ethiopia being the lowest at 9%

Far East:
Cambodia - 69%
China - 92%
Hong Kong - 92%
Japan - 100%
Korea (North) - 85%
Korea (South) - 100%
Laos - 79%
Malaysia - 100%
Mongolia - 68%
Myanmar (Burma) - 74%
Phillipines - 82%
Singapore - 100%
Vietnam - 89%

South Asia:
Bangladesh - 54%
Bhutan - 77%
India - 71%
Maldives - 99%
Nepal - 77%
Pakistan - 68%
Sri Lanka - 94%

Central Asia:
Afghanistan - 50%

Middle East & North Africa:
Algeria - 86%
Egypt - 97%
Iran - 90%
Iraq - 100%
Israel - 100%
Jordan - 97%
Kuwait - 100%
Lebanon - 99%
Libya - 92%
Mauritania - 50%
Morocco - 87%
Oman - 99%
Qatar - 100%
Saudi Arabia - 100%
Sudan - 37%
Syria - 90%
Tunisia - 97%
UAE - 99%
West Bank & Gaza - 99%


Norway is 98% . I wonder if this is because some of the Sami are semi nomadic, so they don't have access to running water and sewer? Some of the people in Yakutia (Russia) also do not have access to running water and sewer; and like the Sami some of them are reindeer herders. This might also explain why Mongolia is 68%, i.e. many are semi nomadic. Canada is at 99% while the US is at 100%. Wonder if this is because of Inuit / Yupik people in the far north who do not have access to running water ? In Sub Saharan and Saharan Africa many groups are pastoralists / semi nomadic, so they won't have running water and sewer. Not having toilets / running water/ sewer doesn't necessarily mean sanitation is poor. Many pacific Island nations also have low scores but I dont think that necessarily makes them lacking in sanitation.

I was surprised to see India ahead of Pakistan and Bangladesh, cause I was expecting for India to be the worst performing, going by internet comments , news and perception.
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Well I guess it’s one of those metrics then if a country like India that has a huge portion of the population defecating in the open is ranked higher than Pakistan.

Basic sanitation typically just means having a sewer and garbage collecting system.
Russia was at 20 percent with no toilet with plumbing when i checked russian sites last year (thanks to siberia most likely)

Also explains vids of guys stealing washing machines and toilets in ukr, probably first time some guys from poor regions have seen one
Well I guess it’s one of those metrics then if a country like India that has a huge portion of the population defecating in the open is ranked higher than Pakistan.

Basic sanitation typically just means having a sewer and garbage collecting system.
Sri Lanka and Maldives way ahead of the other S.Asian nations. Maldives is a cluster of small islands with low pop. so not a fair comparsion. Could say the same for Sri Lanka, that its small population - relative to Pakistan, India and Bangladesh - doesn't make comparisons fair, but Bhutan and Nepal also have small populations and they are at 77%.
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As a youth my dad would collect our garbage in 55 gallon drums and every few days he would set them on fire. Also had a big hole way in the back where he would burn other garbage. As a kid I thought that was normal. He must have been saving upwards of $30 per month so I can't talk too much shit.
Europe and European Union:

Albania - 99%
Andorra - 100%
Austria - 100%
Belarus - 98%
Belgium - 99%
Bosnia & Herzogovina - 95%
Bulgaria - 86%
Croatia - 97%
Cyprus - 99%
Czechia (Czech Republic- 99%
Denmark - 100%
Estonia - 99%
Faroe Islands - 91%
Finland - 99%
France - 99%
Gibraltar - 100%
Greece - 99%
Greenland - 100%
Hungary - 98%
Iceland - 99%
Ireland - 91%
Italy - 100%
Kosovo - no data
Latvia - 92%
Lichenstein - 100%
Lithuania - 94%
Luxembourg - 98%
Moldova - 79%
Monaco - 100%
Montenegro - 98%
Netherlands - 98%
North Macedonia - 98%
Norway - 98%
Poland - 100%
Portugal - 100%
Romania - 87%
Russia - 89%
San Marino - 100%
Serbia - 98%
Slovakia - 98%
Slovenia - 98%
Spain - 100%
Sweden - 99%
Switzerland - 100%
Ukraine - 98%
U.K. - 99%
To be honest I’m more surprised by the US being 100% than anything else.
Ireland 91%

Guess pissing in the ditch or alley by the pub doesn't count
As a youth my dad would collect our garbage in 55 gallon drums and every few days he would set them on fire. Also had a big hole way in the back where he would burn other garbage. As a kid I thought that was normal. He must have been saving upwards of $30 per month so I can't talk too much shit.
It is normal, for serial killers.
As a youth my dad would collect our garbage in 55 gallon drums and every few days he would set them on fire. Also had a big hole way in the back where he would burn other garbage. As a kid I thought that was normal. He must have been saving upwards of $30 per month so I can't talk too much shit.
Well, $30 in those days…
I'm curious where the remaining 2% in my country are shitting. Can't be real.
Well, there ofc does matter how these parameters are gathered.

For example to install long pipelines for water supply and waste water remowal is expensive and expenses aren't just to build them, projects and permits .... etc.

Therefore not rare cases when to build local waste water collection tank, to drill vell for water supply and install local system might be cheaper option.
companies operating water supply pipelines aren't happy to maintain x km long pipeline just for 1 small client....
It is like with natural gas grid companies.
If you have some factory that will consume a lot ... they are more willing to build pipeline to connect your m to their grid.
If you have just some warehouse where consumption will be low...then they ....
Ofc might to do this, however high chances that you will pay for all this process.....
About India, yup opinion about them on europe is because ....
If you will defecate in public in europe ....they will charge you with fines... even might send to psychiatrist to check mental health.

In India it is...nothing special.