WME-IMG Buys UFC and Now Signs CrossFit


Rest in Peace BWR
May 15, 2008
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I guess WME-IMG is really trying to mainstream traditionally "fringe" sports... I remember reading an article years ago how Nike tried to be a sponsor for CrossFit, but CrossFit refused on the grounds they wanted a smaller, not mainstream company to represent them...hence they ultimately went with Reebok. I guess everybody eventually has a price, and money is always king. Wonder if once the Reebok contract is over we will see CrossFit plastered all over UFC events....
Great, then they'll just market fighters who have crossfit Greek God bodies...
I hear they are going back to condom depot
Great. Since Reebok won't pay, maybe Crossfit can pay fighters to use their system so some of these guys can make some cash.....

I can see the TUF coaches challenges all being crossfit related now.

Fighters will get paid $100 for every time they mention the word Crossfit in a normal sentence. Can't wait for the interviews....

"So I was doing my crossfit and this whole camp has been great. With the crossfit, I know I'll KO him in the first round. You think he does crossfit?? I can answer that - he doesn't do crossfit...."

Can't wait....

branded training? So basically poor man's Rocky 4 :D
UFC becoming like Crossfit?

thats kinda strange, i thought people were predicting WME would not renew Reebok because of its connections to (Nike or Under Armour? i forget)

now they are buying CrossFit that has a big relationship with Reebok

Interesting...Crossfit doesn't test "athletes" for PEDs at their games, better not let USADA get too close
Crossfit is the dumbest shit I have ever seen. "Oh let's see who can do the most power cleans with 95lbs and see who can do playground exercises.
Reebok has the same deal with CrossFit

This just means, for the UFC, that the Reebok partnership is here to stay probably
Reebok already partners with Crossfit

Wonder who is next


I always LOL big time when they add "Spartan" or "Ragnar" to races. It's a foot race, not a battle. Spartans and Vikings don't run, they stand there and gut you or chop your head off.