Media William Gomis on deaths doorstep from cutting weight - *Edit: Fight has been Cancelled

Killing your kidneys for peanuts.
There has got to be a better way.
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No idea why they don’t just go to 3 hour weigh-ins; it keeps everyone in their natural weight class. When I was competing in powerlifting the USAPL had 3 hour weigh-ins and this never happened because you couldn’t get your strength back in 3 hours. The APF had 36 and 48 hour weigh-ins and guys were practically dying at every nationals. One guy I knew made 165 and lifted at 196 two days later.
Wasn’t it cancer?
Yeah, with some other issues. The causes of cancer are still widely unknown, so it could be that the stress on the body contributed to it. I mean the poster boy for harsh dangerous weight cuts was Rumble