Media William Gomis on deaths doorstep from cutting weight - *Edit: Fight has been Cancelled


The Dutchman
Platinum Member
Aug 27, 2020
Reaction score
Yet he didn’t even take his clothes of while stepping on the scale, still weighing in 3 lbs under the Featherweight-limit:

*Fight has been cancelled

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I wonder how much weight in clothing he actually had on there, I doubt 7lbs but still didn't even try at all. I hate seeing ppl dead in the scale.

Edit: holy crap I thought the fight was at 135 not 145. Wtf is going on here? He made weight by several pounds wearing clothes, why would you cut that extreme?
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Shit, bet the house on that fucking weirdo tryhard he's fighting I guess.
I'm waiting for the day a fighter has organ failure due to this sh!t..
Possibly cut that much to show he might do a potential move at 135?
Was the scale he used not calibrated at all? I'm pretty sure UFC is on top of that shit though weighing them on the same calibrated scales throughout the week.

Or did this dummy have some uncalibrated scale in his hotel room the whole time?

Maybe he thought he was fighting at a catchweight of 140 or something stupid?

Food poisoning since yesterday and dropped way too much and is now feeling woozy af?

Big ass t-shirt full of sweat too..