Will Whoopi Goldberg get a pass?

Well, she's right.

Besides, she didn't hit on or try to have sex with 15 year old NPH, she told him give it ten years and you can hit it. That's some solid acting advice IMO.

Devil's advocate:
She was grooming him.
Not really, it was a small story just like this Whoopie one. He was also running for Preaident of the USA, not co-hosting a daytime TV show.
So, the career a person has is a determinate factor in whether or not this type of stuff is OK or not?
Soundslike some hamster wheel shit to me.
It was a stupid and crass thing for Trump to say (he wasn't running for Prez at the time of the comment IIRC, BTW). Same goes for the human mud hut named Whoopi.