Wildlife Photographer Wakes Up From A Nap Under A Tree With… A Sleeping Cheetah Against Him

Iron Mang

Brown Belt
May 14, 2010
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Wildlife Photographer

Imagine dozing off under the shade of a tree after a taxing day out in the sun, only to wake up to the gentle nudge of a wild cheetah snuggling against you. This isn’t the start of a fable or a campfire story. It’s what happened to Dolph Volker, a wildlife photographer and animal enthusiast, during one of his volunteering stints at Cheetah Experience, a sanctuary for endangered species in South Africa.

Volunteering with a Purpose​


Dolph’s journey with animals began much like anyone’s affection for their pets. After the loss of his beloved dog, Dolph found a renewed mission in life: advocating for animal rights and raising awareness about endangered species. His commitment led him to Cheetah Experience, where lions, leopards, servals, and of course, cheetahs find refuge from the threats they face in the wild.

A Nap to Remember​


The memorable encounter took place on a particularly sunny day, when all Dolph wanted was a brief escape from the relentless sun. He found solace under a tree, not knowing that he would soon share his makeshift bed with a curious cheetah named Eden. As he slept, Eden approached him, likely intrigued by his presence, and decided to settle next to him for a nap. The slight nudges from Eden eventually woke Dolph, who was stunned but delighted by the trust and affection shown by this majestic creature.

Capturing the Moment​


With his camera by his side, Dolph didn’t miss the opportunity to document this extraordinary event. The photos and videos he captured show Eden displaying an unexpected gentleness, nuzzling against him, playfully biting, and even licking him. These tender interactions have not only strengthened his bond with the cheetahs he works to protect but have also made him a beacon of hope for animal conservationists worldwide.

An Ambassador for Cheetahs​


Often referred to as “the cheetah charmer,” Dolph uses his platform, including a YouTube channel, to share insights into the behavior of these fast, fascinating felines. His stories and visuals help educate people about the plight of cheetahs, which are among the most threatened felines in Africa due to poaching and habitat loss.

This experience beautifully illustrates the surprising ways in which wildlife can interact with humans when given respect and space. For Dolph, it was a poignant reminder of why he dedicates his life to these creatures: to ensure that future generations will not only know of them through photos and videos but will be able to experience their grace in the wild. Such moments of connection underscore the urgency and beauty of wildlife conservation.
There is something majestic about these animals seeking comfort, instead of ripping him to shreds.

There's stories of the past that cheetahs were actually domesticated and would be like your traditional house cat. There's pics on the net of some African warlords with cheetahs and even hyenas collared on a chain. Not so sure the hyenas can be domesticated. lol
There's stories of the past that cheetahs were actually domesticated and would be like your traditional house cat. There's pics on the net of some African warlords with cheetahs and even hyenas collared on a chain. Not so sure the hyenas can be domesticated. lol
they're just wild big cats.
@650lb Sumo @Arqueto @Chules @HI SCOTT NEWMAN @lsa @Luthien bit of a different kind of cat(a big dosser cat) but

Gorgeous Cheetah, I'm jealous to be honest, I wish I could do that. I'm scared though haha, I think you need a special bond with them. Respect to that guy for all his conservation work and helping to protect them.

Hey last year I was at a zoo with family and we saw a beautiful Tiger, it was 10 foot and 657 Ibs the worker said. It was so beautiful, it makes my house cats looks so tiny haha. They had this little metal tray door at the bottom of the fence where they place food on and then it turns automatically and goes into the fence area where the Tigers are.. and there was some meat placed on it but there was a huge bowl of ice cream, the worker was telling us that when the weather is hot they adore vanilla ice cream. People just think they eat meat, but nope they love ice cream.. especially if its vanilla flavor.

haha this is a funny video
I’ve helped raise several big cat kittens, and cheetahs are probably the worst to deal with. Very neurotic animals.